Chapter 10- Austin the Mount Everest

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Chapter 10- Austin the Mount Everest

"Austinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn give it back!" I said jumping up and down trying to reach the box he was holding above his head. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying, it's going to be useless because at then end, we both know there's no way I can get it. Unless...

I jumped on Austin's back and started climbing him like a mountain, "What are you doing?!" He complained holding the box higher while he tries not to fall over.

"I'm getting what's rightfully mine back!" I yelled into his ear.

He winced, but continued to not let me have it. Fine, Austin if that's how you want to play. I dug my fingernails into his shoulder, he hissed and a stream of cuss words followed. I smirked, that's what you get loser.

"Give it back!" I yelled again trying to reach the box which is still out of my reach. I've learned a couple things from this past minute. One, don't climb someone like a mountain if you don't have any upper body strength. Two, don't climb Austin.

"No!" he grunted trying to pry me off. I put my arms around his neck and I held my grip like my life depended on it and it probably did. Seeing if I let go I would probably fall and die. I'm not even exaggerating.

"Give it!!" I pouted still not letting go. I will not lose this fight and plus this can be a distraction from the box. Cue the evil laugh.

"No! And why are you so heavy?! Did you eat rocks for dinner?!" He grunted trying to throw me off.

"Maybe." I said starting to climb him again, he moved his arms to the side. "Ughh! Please give it back!"

"Why is it so important anyway? it's just an ugly box." He said trying to open it... trying cause I'm practically choking him right now.

"It's just an ugly box." I mimicked in a high pitched voice.

He shook his head, "Can you please, please, get off me."

"When you give me the box."


"Fine." I said getting a better grip.

Suddenly I was falling off him, flying forward and the floor was coming closer and closer. Oh no I closed my eyes... goodbye world... goodbye mom, goodbye dad, bye friends, I'm sorry I have to leave you so soon. I waited for the impact, but after 5 seconds and I still haven't felt the hard wood floor I opened my eyes slowly. Austin was leaning over me, holding me about five inches from the floor. I sighed in relief, but after he saw that my eyes were open, he dropped me with a smirk.

My scream was cut short when all the air rushed out from my lungs. My back was aching so bad, I glared at Austin, "I can't believe you just judo flipped me off your back, then saved me before I hit the ground, then dropped me on the ground!" I coughed trying to get air ini my chest.

He shrugged, "At least I bothered to." He might as well not catch me if he was going to let me fall.

"Yeah like that's any better." I said sarcastically. "Oh let me just flip you off my back which can probably KILL YOU then catch you and then drop you."

"You're so dramatic Tammy." He said with a roll of his eyes. His hands were opening the box.

"Noooo!" I lunged at him. He saw me coming, chuckled, and took a step to the right. My eyes widened as I realized what was about to happen. I was going to run straight into the wall. I tried to stop myself but these stupid socks were making me skate across the ground. Oh no... I'm going to die again!

Meeting Austin Mahone [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now