Chapter 39- Thirty Days

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 Chapter 39- Thirty Days

"I know today is a special day, it marks the first 30 days of our young relationship that I hope will blossom into something more and the past 30 days with you have been one of the best 30 days of my life because you're Austin and I'm Tammy and we are awesome." I watched Austin set his boutique of roses into my locker and I rocked back and forth on my feet until he turned around to face me again. "I believe that our relationship doesn't have to run on the stereotypical relationship script."

"Really?" He asks with a raise of a perfect eyebrow as he leaned against my neighboring locker like the way he has done it since we were issued lockers in middle school. These casual locker leanings since Homecoming have been different because he wasn't standing their as a friend who wanted to tease me; he was standing there as my boyfriend who wanted to tease me and kiss me like his life depended on it. Sorry, too cocky? Yeah, I probably sucked at kissing considering the fact that the only other guy I've ever kissed dumped me and ran to the other side of the country.

Even though it was only a small prefix change from "best" to "boy", the meaning was a lot more different.

I remembered leaving the dance and hearing him yell, "Yes, I finally made it out of the fucking friend zone." It was a victorious and cute moment for him.

I nodded, "Yup, we are not walking stereotypes so why have out relationship like one-- not that I'm not grateful for the flowers and presents, Austin, I love them. I really do." I smiled at the unopen present next to the boutique of flowers, he had made it clear that I shouldn't open it until school was over unless I wanted to die due to the lack of oxygen from being tickled too long. What a nice boyfriend I had.

"Alright, in that case, where are my flowers?" he asked and looped his arm around my waist to pull me towards me.

I managed a casual shrug while my heart went nuts. My arms did their own thing and wrapped them around his neck to pull him down towards me. Forget my lack of kissing skills, he was going to have to get over it and kiss me back and he did. It was so sweet and my heart felt like it was going to explode. It was like the first kiss all over again.

"Get a room would you?" I didn't care that we were standing in the hallway showing major PDA, I had to deal with it for four years so they can just suck it up. I'm pretty sure Austin gave whoever that was the finger.

When we pulled away he leaned his forehead on mine, "You didn't get me anything did you?" He asked knowingly.

I shook my head, feeling bad that he had spent the time to get me something and I didn't do it in return.

"And you also forgot today was our one month anniversary, didn't you."

"Yeah..." It wasn't my fault, the thought of an important 30 days was completely non existent, "In my defense I live every day as an anniversary day."

"Nice save." He said with a smile. "I guess you can say our relationship has been a flop because since when does the girl forget the anniversary date? I do remember how dramatic those girls were in movies when their boyfriends forgot the day. You should be grateful I'm not making a scene right now."

"Oh shut up Austin." I was more than grateful that he wasn't making a big deal out of me forgetting, I know if I was that type of person who made these dates serious, I would've made sure I made a big deal out of it.

"It's ok I forgive you, it really makes this whole thing funnier and less serious. Do you know how much it would suck to remember every month and how much money I would have to spend?"

"Yeah I wouldn't know what to do with all the dead roses." I said with a roll of my eyes. Just thinking about how much effort we have to put in to a special day made me hate the concept of a relationship. At least  we weren't uptight about days like this and that was probably one of the only reasons why I stayed in it.

"That doesn't mean I'm not taking you on a date tonight." He said after he let me go much to my dismay, "I'm not going to break all dating rules."

"What?" Maybe I was a little confused by the fact that he still wanted to go on a date with me after I forgot our anniversary.

"You. Me. Date. Tonight. Dress comfortably." He kisses me on the tip of my nose and winks at me. "I have to go to class and so do you. I'll see you later." He started walking the other direction.

"Wait, where?" I asked stunned by the sudden plans. 

"A place. You'll find out when we get there." He told me then waved goodbye to me. 

I smiled at his retreating figure and then turned to walk to my class. I was getting all bubbly on the inside, to say I was a little excited for this date would be an understatement.


Despite us not having the perfect relationship, I could say I was happy. I liked Austin, a lot, to put it bluntly.

I would've never realized it if it wasn't for the trip to New York.  After all, it wasn't about where you ended up, but the road you traveled. And through that rocky fangirling road to meet Austin Mahone, I fell for the one without knowing it.

After the date, Austin and I piled back into his car. We had a cute dinner date on top of one of the buildings in city.

The box he told me to bring was still sitting on the dash board where I left it. When I picked it up and gave him a pouty face, he gave in and nodded. I squealed like a child.

I opened up the box and saw two tickets sitting at the bottom of the container. I gave Austin an awed look, "No... you did not..."

He nodded with a grin, "I did."

I took the two tickets out and looked at it with amazement, he really did this for me? "How?"

"Arrangements were made."

"Oh my gosh, are you even sure about this?"

"Yep, as sure as I'll ever be."

My fingers grazed over the words, Austin Mahone Live Tour, Washington D.C. "This is in two weeks."

"You in?"

"Hell yeah." I grinned at him. I didn't know what was going to happen, but considering the last time we went to see Austin Mahone, it was going to be a hell of a ride.


IM SORRRRRRRRRRRY! I died for two months.

This is the end. I'm still debating if there should be an epilogue or not, but the spin off will be posted next.

I'm sorry if you don't like the ending, I've planned this from the start so if you wish to kill me for making this fanfiction have an unhappy ending for Austin Mahone, you can feel free let your anger out on me right here xD

This piece of work will go through major revision at some point.

Lastly, thank you so much for reading this far and to the end. Wow, you actually read this book to the end. *tears*

Thank you so much!

xoxo Ginny

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