Chapter 24- Confession

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Chapter 24- Confession

“I think I just died.” Austin panted right next to me. I felt exactly the same. Running around Central Park isn’t the most ideal way to spend an afternoon.

“Touche.” I managed to get out.

We stayed silent for a while, just trying to breathe. We ran around the big pond atleast three time before the geese all got tired and forgot about the gosling incident. Well, I can tell you I will never, ever, ever go near a goose now. 

“Is it safe to say we are done with Central Park?” I asked Austin, don’t get me wrong I love Central Park… it’s just after this traumatizing experience, I never want to come to that pond ever again.

“Yes, I’m not planning to get chased again.” he then looked at me and gave me a funny smile.

I caught it even though he tried to turn his face to hide it. “What?” I asked suspiciously.

His smile grew larger, “Nothing.” which was followed by a snicker.

I smoothed my clothing and my hair then gave him a glare.

His hands reached to my hair and pulled out a brown feather-- geese feather. “Much better.” he laughs throwing the feather aside.

I reached up and grabbed a feather out of his hair, “Speak for yourself.” I then threw the feather at his flawless face. 

We took a taxi to the a street that Austin named and we got off. The air smelled like salt when I took a breath.

“Common.” he says jogging to a crowd of people.

I followed, soon we were on a ferry to Ellis Island to see the Statue of Liberty. After walking around the island and doing all the things tourists do we headed back into the city for the Empire State Building.

I couldn’t help thinking wow, I’m actually spending a day with Austin Mahone.

Once Austin bought two tickets we headed into the lobby and got on one of those elevators. Before we knew it we were on the top floor of the Empire. 

“Wow…” I breathed as I took in the vast room; two of the walls were made completely of glass and I could see the whole city from here.

“I know, beautiful right?” Austin says taking my hands and walking me closer to the glass wall. I was mesmerized by the view and his grip on my hand. It seems like every time we made contact my brain just explodes and forgets everything.

We just stood there looking out the glass silently for a while; neither of us lets go of another’s hand.

“Look, I really need to tell you this before it’s too late.” he turns around and looks down at me and then at our entwined fingers. Crap. They’re probably sweaty and that’s what he’s going to tell me. Or maybe I had something on my face. Or maybe---

He leaned in closer to me and my eyes widened a fraction of an inch. He lets go of my-- probably sweaty-- hands and he cupped my face between his palms, “Oh god, I don’t even know how to say it.” he looks away taking a deep breath the he turns back to me. Yup, there’s definitely something on my face. “Tammy… today was… magical as corny as it sounds. Everything was perfect even though everything wasn’t and spending my time with you was the best decision I’ve ever made. I know I havn’t known you for the longest time, but after yesterday and today it feels like I’ve known you forever. I guess I’m trying to say I really like you and maybe you will return those feelings.”

My breath hitched as I stared at him utter those words to me, “Me too.” Me too? “I mean, I like you too.” I added after I realized how blunt I was.

Then he started to lean in and my brain starts going on a rampage, 3 centimeters… 2 centimeters, 1 centimeter, .5 centimeter…

I closed my eyes anticipating his kiss, but I never felt his lips on mine because my phone blared and we instantly jumped apart like we were shocked. He looked just as alarmed as I was; we almost freaking kissed at the heat of the moment!

“You should probably get that.” he indicates at my Eleven Eleven ring tone that was blaring through my phone.

“I probably should.” my face was slightly pink as I reached for my phone in my back pocket. “Just give me a second.” I told Austin after I looked down at my caller ID. I walked in another direction getting a little privacy.

I was fuming by the time I got to private corner. The caller ID said “Austin IS Sexy AS HELL”, yes he will be in hell after I’m done with him.

“What do you want!” I whisper shouted into the phone.

“This probably sounds really fucking bad and I will probably be shamed over this moment for the rest of my life, but I need your help.”


I'm done! Sorry for almost waiting 20 days for me to post! But my life is very hectic lately and I'm pretty sure you DON'T want to hear about it so I'll just leave it at that.

I do have something important to say though; this story needs major editing. I think there's a lot of unessisary stuff in it... I mean this book is already 60 pages in and it hasn't even gotten near the climax yet. So I am going to editing it and condense it... AFTER I finish it. 

Look at that, another thing added to the list of things wrong with this story.

I'm saying all of this because the condensed version will be better.

Ok that's all!

Thanks for everything.

XOXO Ginny

***Posted 11/21/13***

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