Pack Night {One-Shot}

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No one will ever truly know how much I love the thought of everyone- and I mean EVERYONE- hanging out for a pack night. So, here a little bit of fluff ^~^


"This is so fake!" Isaac exclaimed and jumped onto the coffee table in the middle of the living room, "I've been a werewolf for a little less than a year and I can howl better than this shit on tv!" Isaac howls and everyone laughs, even Derek!

"Isaac get down before you break the damn thing," Cora hisses and pulls her boyfriend back down next to her on the couch. He smiles innocently at her and pecks her on the lips. She hums in response and Derek groans.

"Can you please keep the PDA to a minimum?" Derek rolls his eyes and Cora laughs before french kissing Isaac, making Isaac's eyes pop out of his head. But being the little horny shit he is, he closes his eyes and french kisses her back.

Allison and Danny come back into the living room with bowls full of popcorn in there hands. Lydia trails behind them with a pan of cookies in hand.

"I got it," Stiles assures her and takes the pan from the smaller girl's hands. Lydia smiles brightly up at her boyfriend and kisses him on the cheek, his cheeks now flaming. Lydia giggles when she notices Stiles blushing.

Danny sits down on the floor next to Jackson and cuddles into his side. Jackson smirks a toothy grin and hugs the boy closer into his side. He places a kiss on the darker haired boy's head and kept watching the movie.

"Not you guys too," Derek whines and everyone chuckles.

"You're just upset that our lovers didn't turn out to be a psychotic bitch that sacrificed people Sour-Wolf," Stiles teases and Scott howls in laughter. Literally howls. And Derek growls in response.

Allison hugs Scott before laying down on the love seat with him. His arm engulf around her body, pressing her back against his torso as they lay down.

Lydia sits on Stiles', who is sitting in the recliner. He tickles her as she lays on him, making her squirm and giggle. Everyone shushes them but they don't care.

"Get a room," Jackson bitterly remarks but Danny puts his palm onto his chest, making Jackson smile and relax.

"Okay! Okay! Stop! Stoooop! I give up!" Lydia pants and Stiles stops tickling her.

"I love you," Stiles whispers into her ear with a smiles and she kisses his lips.

"And I love you," Lydia whispers back and Scott makes gagging noises, only to be slapped on the leg by Allison. Lydia smiles at the dark haired girl before cuddling into Stiles and watching the movie.

"Ouch," Scott pretends to pout and Allison giggles.

"Oh wolfy-up," She teases.

"Don't make me tickle you," He warns playfully with a shit eating grin.

"Tickle me and there'll be no sex for a month," Allison retorts, a little hint of mischief is her eyes.

"Noooo, not that!" Scott whines and kisses her on the forehead.

"You all make me sick," Derek huffs, shuffling away from Isaac and Cora on the couch. She's now straddling him, kissing him with all her force, which is making her brother very uncomfortable.

"Oh just watch the movie," Stiles smirks, "Sour Wolf."

"Stiles of you don't shut up I'll rip your throat out," Derek barks, "With my teeth."

"Oh, some things just never change," Stiles taunts.

The front door opens and Malia and Kira walk in. Kira sets a bag of Doritos down on the table and waves to everyone. Malia says "Hi" and plops herself down on the floor next to Danny and Jackson. Kira sits down next to her girlfriend.

"Whatcha watchin?" Kira chirps and Derek rolls his eyes.

"No one's really watching anything," He groans, "Too busy being horny teenagers."

"Ignore him," Scott says, "We're watching Teen Wolf."

"The 1985 film?" Kira asks and he nods.

"Dude that's like 20 years old," Malia groans.

"It's 30 years actually," Lydia corrects and Malia sighs.

"I hate math," Malia shrugs and starts to watch the movie. Kira leans into her and kisses her on the cheek.

"No! Not you guys TOO!" Derek pretends to cry, hands covering his face. Everyone laughs at him and he growls.

"I really hate you guys," He huffs.

"No you love us," Stiles quips, "Sour-Wolf."



Writers Note:
Fluff fluff fluff fluff ^~^

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