She's Gone {Short Story}

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Part 14

Stiles cautiously moved up the stairs and into the spare room. There, he opened the closet door and pulled out Melissa's aluminum bat. He gripped it tightly in his hands and sighed at the familiar feeling of the rubber tape against his palm. It's been a while since he used a bat.

The floorboards to his right creaked and his head snapped in that direction. He looked at Malia, whose piercing blue eyes were glowing in the darkness.

"Be careful," He whispered. She offered him a faint smile and nodded before walking past the door.

Stiles walked over to the window and slightly moved the curtain back. He could see Theo and his pack still out there, waiting. And if on cue, Theo looked up and stared directly at him.

A few years ago, Stiles would have pulled the curtain back and ran out of fear. Now, Stiles just stared, not showing Theo any sign of emotion. His lips were in a hard line and his breathing was steady.

Theo smirked and raised his hand. It was in a closed fist. But then he opened it, as if signaling for everyone to release. They all charged towards the house.

Someone crept into the room behind him and he turned. Derek stood in the doorway. His face was completely changed into his werewolf form. He looked at the bat and then back up at Stiles. "Don't get yourself killed," Was all he said before releasing his claws from his fingers.

He walked past Stiles and opened the window. Stiles' eyes widened. "What in hell are you doing?" Stiles exclaimed.

"They're climbing up the side of the house Stiles, someone needs to be up there to keep them from tearing through the roof." Derek hopped out of the windowsill and shut it with a slam. Stiles watched from the other side of the glass as Derek climbed up the roof until he was out of view.

There was a shriek from the hall and Stiles was already running out of the room. He rounded the corner, noticing that one of the chimeras was holding onto Hayden by her long, dark brown hair. Another was advancing towards her. Stiles stepped in and hit the one running with the bat. The one who was attached to Hayden hissed at him and showed its orange slitted eyes. Stiles had to admit that his least favorite supernatural species had to be Kanimas.

"Let her go!" He yelled. The chimera smirked and raised its tail to inject him with it's poison. Stiles ducked it's blow and Hayden spun herself. The Kanima lost grip on Hayden and went flying into the air. It tumbled down the stairs.

Stiles grabbed onto Hayden's hand to steady her. "Are you okay?" He asked, checking her quickly for any cuts or gashes. She shook her head.

"I'm fine," She told him, "But Liam...he was fighting a Phoenix the last time I saw him. I need to find him–"

"I'll find him," Stiles said. "Find Malia and stay with her." Hayden nodded and darted towards the hall. Stiles walked down the stairs with his bat raised high.

To his left, he saw Isaac taking on two chimera's. To his right he saw something burning. The Phoenix. He charged to his right and stumbled across Liam being strangled by Allison.

"Allison!" Stiles yelled, "Allison stop!" Her head turned towards him, her gaze hard and angry. Her eyes were red and orange, just like the flames surrounding her.

Her grip on Liam's throat got tighter. Gurgling noises escaped from his lips. "Stiles?" She said, her voice straining.

"Let him go," Stiles said, lowering his bat. "Allison, let Liam go." She turned back towards Liam and Stiles saw her trying to resist the compulsion. Her arms shook and her knees became wobbly. "Fight it, Allison, fight against the compulsion. Don't give in."

She dropped her hands and fell to her knees, gagging and breathing heavily. Liam grabbed at his throat and caught his breath.

Stiles felt movement behind him and noticed it was Malia. Hayden ran out from behind her and pulled Liam into a tight hug. Malia had a few cuts on her face, which were healing.

There was a loud bang and the front door opened. It hit the wall hard, putting a hole into the plastered wall. A whole crowd of rogue chimeras filed into the house.

Stiles looked down and held out a hand. Allison looked up and reluctantly took it. He helped her up and onto her feet.

A few of the chimeras launched themselves towards the small group and Stiles ran forward, his bat swinging side to side. Malia charged next and the rest of them did too.

Scott charged up the stairs with Theo right behind him. Scott took two steps at a time and nearly tripped. Theo made a grab for his leg but Scott moved too fast.

When he got to the top, Scott ran down the hall and swung himself into the first room that was open. He slammed the door shut behind him and locked it.

"Is the True Alpha scared of me?" Theo taunted as he broke the handle off the door. "Because he should be." He swung the door open and stormed in.

The room was empty. The window was open and the curtains blew back and forth due to the wind. Theo smirked and walked over to the windowsill.

Scott came out of nowhere and knocked Theo down. He began to claw at his chest until Theo was spitting up blood. Even with blood dripping out of his mouth, Theo smirked.

"You won't kill me," He said, spitting black blood into Scott's face. "You won't kill me, because if you do, you won't be a True Alpha anymore."

Scott's eyes hardened. "That's only if I spill innocent blood," He corrected him, "And you're everything but innocent." Scott lifted his arm back to cut Theo's throat–

"Scott, I'm home," Melissa said. Scott looked up. Oh no.

And when he looked back at Theo, he was gone.

Lydia ran through the trees until she came across Scott's house. She sighed and relaxed when she saw Melissa's car in the driveway. Everything was okay.

Something moved in the corner of her eyes and she looked up. She saw two people on the roof of the house. She could easily make out the larger figure: Derek Hale.

Her eyes widened in horror as more figures threw themselves at him. Lydia quickly ran up to the green house and jumped. She landed onto the roof next to Derek. He took a swing at her.

"It's me," She said and he quickly looked at her. His eyes widened for a second, realizing that it was Lydia and not another stupid chimera.

She looked at the figures surrounding them and smirked. She ran towards one of them and grabbed him by the shoulders. He snarled at her and she looked him into the eyes. "Go home and never come back. Forget about Theo." The kid blinked repeatedly and his whole body shook, as if coming out of a trance. Lydia began to do that to all of them as Derek kept them from attacking her.

To Be Continued...

Writers Note:

Only a few more parts of this left. I never thought this would be so long and i apologize for that. Hopefully none of you are bored with this.

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