She's Gone {Short Story}

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Part Four

"Lydia," Someone spoke to her. The voice sounded so far away, but yet so close.

She was running down the sidewalk. The sky was dark and cloudy. There was blood dripping down her chin and it was seeping into her clothes by the second.

"No!" She screamed, "Stay away from me!" She continued to run. Even though she was using her new super speed, it felt as if the person chasing her was catching up to her.

"You killed them," It said, "You killed them all."

Just as they said that, Lydia stumbled across a pile of dead bodies in front of her. She tripped on one and fell, as if it magically appeared and she didn't have enough time to react.

Lydia came face to face with someone familiar. It was Scott. She looked above his corpse and noticed a few more. There was Stiles, Malia, Kira, and Liam laying there.

"You're a murderer," The hooded figure said as it stepped into view.

"Leave me alone!" Lydia screamed.

Another figure stood by the first one and they cackled at her. "You killed your friends," They said in unison, "You're a monster."

The first to uncloak themselves was the first one. It took it's hood off and revealed it's face. It was Lydia.

"You killed them!" Lydia yelled, "You killed our friends! And most of all, you killed us!"

Lydia trembled as she listened to the person who looked like her speak. She gulped and forced out her words. "Who are you?"

Lydia laughed. "I'm you Lydia. The other you. I'm the Banshee. I'm the Lydia who would've protected her friends. I'm the Lydia that everyone knew and loved. I'm the Lydia that is dead, the Lydia that you killed!" The Banshee screamed, making Lydia grasp her ears with her hands tightly. The Banshee dissipated in a faint cloud of dust and rolled away with the wind.

The other figure stepped closer to Lydia. As it walked, it made a scratching noise, as if it was dragging something. Lydia tried to get to her feet but she was too scared. Her body wouldn't move.

It took it's hood off and pulled out it's bow. Tears pricked Lydia's eyes when she saw Allison's face full of hatred.

"You killed my best friends," She sneered. Her arm pulled the string back in a quick motion and she aimed the arrow right at Lydia's chest.

"I... I didn't mean it," Lydia cried.

"But you did!" Allison yelled. "You never cared about them, did you? Without me, you wouldn't know them like you do now! You wouldn't have even given them a second glance!"

Lydia choked out a sob. "Allison—"

"I hate you!" Allison screamed. She let go of the string, sending it right into Lydia's throat.

Lydia sat up in her bed and clutched her throat. Once she realized it was a dream, she rubbed her face and sighed.

Her window flew open and Theo climbed in. She looked at him with wide eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a raised brow.


And just then, it felt like the world came crashing down on her. She became light headed and closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them again, she was not in her room anymore. Lydia never was in her room. She was back in the tunnels.


"What's wrong with me?" She asked, tears forming in her eyes.

Theo pulled her into a hug and let her cry into his shoulder. He smirked.

"What's going on?" He asked, trying to sound concerned for her.

"I'm going to hurt them all," Lydia cries, "I can't. Theo I can't hurt them. I'm so afraid."

"Then turn it off."

"Turn what off?" She asked and sniffled.

"Your humanity, it's like a switch. Turn it off and you'll be fine," Theo lied right through his teeth.

Lydia nodded, listening to her alpha.

Turn it off.

And that's exactly what she did.

"Better?" He asked, grinning. Lydia nodded.

"Hell of a lot better."

Her lips curved upwards into a smirk.

To Be Continued...

Writers Note:

Here are the answers to the emoji thing from last part:

The snake was Jackson.

The taco was Isaac. Does anyone understand that? Remember when Scott said something about getting food and Isaac replied with "Yeah, I love Mexican."

The two guys are going to be Aidan and Ethan.

"BuT aLiSoN!" I hear you all saying, "aIdAn DiEd!"

The bow and arrow was obviously Allison.

The girl with brown hair who is a werewolf was Cora!!! I dont understand how no one got that one. Some of you said Malia but she's already in the story (Go look at Part One.)

So yeah, please vote and leave a comment or two!

Bye Bye


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