I Need You {Short Story/Smut}

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Part 6

Malia and Kira walk down the hall laughing. Kira cracked a joke about something stupid Scott McCall did in Math class first period.

"So," Kira says, her chuckles slowly coming to an end, "Where's Stiles?" Malia looks back, behind her, in the direction Stiles took off.

"He forgot something in the science lab," She tells her. But just as she says it, she spots him talking to a redheaded girl and blond haired boy.

"Mal, you okay?" Kira asks, noticing the furrow in Malia's eyebrows. Malia didn't even realizing she was scowling.

"Yeah, I think I dropped my Social Studies folder, that's all," Malia lies, not wanting to get Kira involved in something that's probably not a big deal. Kir nods. "Yeah, I'm going to try and find it. I'll text you later," Malia says before walking off towards Stiles.

The blond haired boy walks away from Stiles and the redhead. The girl takes off and Stiles follows her down a hallway Malia's never walked down before. By the time Malia rounds the corner she only hears a piece of the conversation.

"Yeah! He only wants to toy with your body!" Stiles exclaims.

"Well what are you doing, Stiles?" Lydia huffs. Stiles groans.

"You know it's not like that Lydia!" He says.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot I'm just a 'stress reliever'" Lydia grits.

Malia watches as Stiles grabs this Lydia girl and pulls her into a rough kiss. Malia wants to scream. What the hell is going on?

"You mean a lot to me Lydia," Stiles tells her. He tucks a stray hair behind her ear.

Malia turns on her heal and walks away. Tears are streaming down her face but she keeps her chin held high. She spots Kira and Erica by the lockers and they look at her.

"Malia? What's wrong?" They ask in unison and Malia storms into the lavatory. They follow her inside. Malia checks all the stalls and once she knows they're all empty she locks the door.

"Stiles is cheating on me with a redheaded bimbo," Malia grits and stares into the sink mirror. She wipes the leaking mascara under her eyes away.

"What's her name? I'll fucking beat the shit out of her," Erica growls but Malia shakes her head.

"There will be no beating "the shit out of her" Erica. I'll get Stiles back fair and square," She tells them.

"And how are you going to do that?" Kira asks. Erica looks up at Malia expectantly.

"I have my ways," Malia sniffs and puts a smile on her face.


Stiles pulls away from Lydia with a smile. Lydia looks up at him and wraps her arms around his body. She pulls him into a hug. Stiles strokes her hair and lightly chuckles.

"You're blushing," He smirks.

"Shut up."

"I'll come over later okay?" Stiles says and Lydia nods. He tilts her head up to look her in the face. He pecks her lips with his and smiles.

"Bye Beautiful."

"Bye Dork."


At the end of the day, when Stiles is climbing into his jeep, he gets a text from Malia.

Come over. Its important.

Stiles' eyebrows knit together but he starts his car. He drives over to Malia's house. Once he arrives he gets out of his blue vehicle and knock on her front door.

She doesn't open it so he tries for the doorknob and its unlocked. He walks in and calls her name. When she doesn't respond, he walks up her stairs and into her room.

As soon as he walks through the door, he is pushed down onto her bed. He looks up at Malia who's dressed in nothing but a black lace bra and matching thong. She attacks him with feverish kisses on his neck.

"Malia," Stiles groans. She takes off her bra, her naked chest showing.

Malia pulls off his shirt and looks at body. Her nostrils flare when she sees that he's already marked with love bites.

"Malia," Stiles repeats and she undoes his belt. When she pulls it off him she goes to tug off his boxers but his hands grab her wrists. "Malia, stop."

"Fuck you Stiles!" Malia yells and gets off the bed. "You're not even hard!" Stiles closes his eyes and sighs. "Do you only get hard for her?" She grits.

Stiles grabs his shirt and pulls it back on. "I'm not in the mood, Mal."

"Not in the mood?" Malia laughs, throwing a shirt over her body, "You're going to listen to me Stiles."

Stiles crosses his arms and leans on her bed, waiting for her to continue. Malia puts her shorts back on and zips them up.

"You're going to tell Leslie, or whatever the fuck her name is, that you two are done," Malia demands. Stiles glares at her.

"Lydia," He corrects, "And Lydia and I are just friends."

"Those love bites don't show it," Malia growls, "And 'just friends' don't make out all the fucking time."

Stiles huffs and stands up, "I don't need this."

"I'll turn her life a living hell," Malia exclaims, "And I'll tell your Dad about this little infidelity."

"Leave my father out of this," He yells.

"Can't promise," She sarcastically smiles.

"All this because I don't want to have fucking sex with you?" Stiles grits.

"All this because you've been unfaithful," She corrects.

"Fuck you Malia," Stiles huffs and walks out of her room.

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