She's Gone {Short Story}

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Writers Note:

Remember that time I said I'd never write about lydia's death? Well...


Part One

They were all fighting against the beast and dread doctors. But little did they all know that they were also going to have to fight Theo as well.

Scott growled, showing his sharp, jagged teeth. He exposed his claws and charged towards the beast. The beast roared at him, as if daring him to come any closer.

Malia swung her arm at one of the Dread Doctors' mask. He grabbed her wrist and twisted it. She growled out in pain. She kicked him in the side but he didn't budge. The Dread Doctor raised one of his tools and pressed a button. The blade started to turn fast.

He let go of her broken arm and gripped her neck. Her glowing blue eyes died out, returning to her plain brown ones. She gasped, struggling for air. He inched the blade closer to her throat.

Kira blocked every assault that one of the Dread Doctors threw her way with her sword. She walked backwards as she did so, trying her best to keep her balance. She glanced towards Malia out of habit, noticing her in the Dread Doctor's grip. Kira ducked a blow from the Dread Doctor's machine.

She kicked him in the abdomen, making him trip and fall over. She rushed over to Malia's aid. Kira stepped onto a rock in the courtyard and jumped off of it. She watched as her own golden fox spirit showed and glowed into the night.

She raised her arms and katana. As she landed, her sword went straight through the Dread Doctor's back. It broke through the metal pieces that surrounded his body.

He dropped the blade and fell to the ground. Malia clutched her own throat, gaining her breath.

Stiles swung his metal baseball bat, hitting the other Dread Doctor in the face. Hayden helped him, punching and scratching the doctor as much as she could.

Liam jumped off of the small cliff that overhung the area they were all battling. He bared his claws and sunk them deep into the beast's back as he landed on top of it.

A few tears left his eyes, knowing that the thing he was hurting was his best friend. The beast growled and Scott roared.

Chris Argent took out his guns and started firing shots on the monster. It only made the beast angrier. It shook Liam off of its back, making Liam crash into a tree.

Hayden rushed to Liam, leaving Stiles to fend for himself. Theo ran over though and helped him take down the doctor.

Stiles swift movement with the bat made the Dread Doctor's mask fly off. Underneath the mask was nothing but pure void. Theo sliced the void with his claws, making the Dread Doctor crumble to dust.

Lydia and Corey stayed away from the war zone. Corey knew he couldn't take seeing Mason die. Lydia knew she wasn't up for fighting. They stayed hidden in the bushes.

Liam groaned out in pain as he saw the blood seeping from his chest where a branch was poking out of. Hayden knelt down to his side and went frantic. She tried to break the piece of wood sticking out of him but it only made him hurt more. The only thing left to do was kiss him.

Her lips met his and suddenly, the pain lifted off of Liam but came crashing into her. She grunted as the pain traveled through her body.

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