I Need You {Short Story/Smut}

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Part 10

(Present Time)

Liam and Lydia walk through the house, squeezing past bodies. His hand is still on her shoulder as they make there way to the kitchen. Lydia wants a drink.

As they reach the kitchen, she's handed a red cup full of a substance that smells like beer. Liam is handed one too but gives it back. Lydia arches a brow at him and he shrugs.

"I have to drive home," Liam tells her. Lydia takes a sip of her drink, the alcohol burning her throat as she swallows it.

She spots Malia walking into the kitchen with a frown etched on her face. Kira and Erica follow two steps behind her. Erica spots Lydia first and then the other two look at the strawberry blond as well.

"Liam, can we go outside?" Lydia asks and he nods. Liam takes her hand and leads her out of the house, to the backyard.

There's a fire blazing in the fire pit and a lot of people gathering around it. It's a lot quieter outside though, nothing like the noise in the house.

The two sit down on two empty lounge chairs near the fire. She takes another sip of her drink while Liam watches as the fire sparks.

"Look!" Someone shouts, "It's Lusty Lydia!" Liam looks up at the culprit and glares at him as everyone around them start to laugh.

"Lydia!" The same guy cackles, "How's Stiles doing?" Lydia feels the tears building up in her eyes and Liam stands up.

"That's enough!" He yells. But no one listens.

"Dunbar!" He gasps with a smirk, "Are you getting some from Lydia too!?" Everyone laughs even harder. Lydia wipes the tears that are falling from her eyes.

"Hey," Someone taps the guy on the shoulder and he spins around to face him. A fist collides against his jaw. Stiles steps into view and pushes the guy to the ground.

"Leave her the fuck alone," Stiles growls.

Lydia lets a few more tears drip down her face before standing up. She pushes past the bodies surrounding her and quickly walks up to the house. She hears someone running after her. As she's about to tell Liam she's fine, she realizes it's not him. The chocolate eyes that she's oh-so familiar with meet her gaze.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asks and tries to reach for her hand.

"Does it look like I'm fucking okay?" Lydia cries. The tears stream out of her eyes. She turns on her heel to walk away but Stiles tugs her back towards him.

"Lydia, jesus, just wait a second!" Stiles groans.

Lydia faces him with a glare. "What do you want from me?" She yells. "What more could you possibly want?"

Stiles is at a loss for words. She looks so broken in front of him. He hurts for her.

"Lydia," Liam calls and she snaps her attention to him. Lydia darts towards him and jumps into his arms. She cries into his shoulder and Liam embraces her into a tight squeeze. Liam glares at Stiles and he returns the gesture.

"I'm sorry!" Stiles yells, his words cutting through the air like a knife. "Lyds, just talk to me!" Liam, with Lydia in his arms, starts to walk away, towards his car on the side of the road. Stiles follows him.

After Lydia's in the car, Stiles pulls Liam. "I need to talk to her!" Stiles pleads. Liam shakes his head and chuckles once.

"I don't know exactly what you did to her," Liam says, "But it must've hurt her pretty fucking badly. So of I were you, I'd stay away."

"Well I'm not you," Stiles spits, "And I'm never going to be you. So let me fucking talk to her." Liam gets into his car and starts it. Stiles bangs on the glass but he drives away.


Liam sits on Lydia's bed as she does the same. He's holding a box of tissues out for her as she wipes her eyes with them.

"I'm so sorry for this," Lydia sniffles, but starts to laugh a little, "My life is just one big mess, as you can see."

"No it's not," Liam says, "Stop being so pessimistic." She sighs and bows her head, looking at the floor.

"He wants to talk to you," Liam quietly tells her, "Maybe you should just hear what he has to say?"

"I'm done listening to anything that comes out of that boy's mouth," She mumbles, "And you'd be telling me to do the same thing if you knew what he did."

Liam gently asks her what happened between them. So Lydia starts at the very beginning. She tells him about how they were once best friends. She continues on, telling him how he left her for popularity. Liam listens attentively.

"And then," Lydia cries, "He came to me about a month or so ago, wanting to be like friends with benefits." Liam nods, a small scowl etched on his features.

"And we hooked up every once in a while," Lydia rubs her face, "My feelings for him were stronger than ever. And I thought that maybe he liked me back." A quiet sob escapes her lips. "And then he told me he was playing me all along. That he felt nothing towards me and that's exactly what we were. Nothing." Liam pulls her into a hug and Lydia begins to cry into his shoulder for the second time that night.


Writers Note:

Love the song and the remix (the song I used for this chapter is the remix of Grand Piano btw) and I thought it'd go good with this chap. Anyways, on a scale of 1 to Jeff Davis, how much do you want me dead?

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