Walmart {One-Shot}

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Lydia walks into Walmart with nothing but her wallet and a small list her mother had made. She grabs a cart and glances down at the little white paper in her hands. She reads the first item on the list, wheat bread.

She walks down the main aisle, passing all of the check out registers. When she comes up to the bread aisle, she makes a turn. Lydia strolls down the empty lane, searching for the specific kind her mother had told her to get. When she finds it, she places it in the cart.

Lydia looks back at the list, reading that the next thing she needs is milk.

As she walks down the aisle, Lydia notices a brown haired man glancing at her. She offers him a faint smile before turning towards the refrigerated items.

She grabs regular milk and hazelnut creamer for her coffee in the morning.

"You'll do," Lydia hears someone say. She looks over her shoulder and notices the same man from a few minutes ago.

"Can I help you?" She asks, a slight bitterness in her voice. He nods, scratching the dark stubble on his chin.

"I need your help," He tells her, "My ex-girlfriend just walked by me with her new guy and all I'm asking you is to hold my hand while you shop." He bites his lip, looking really desperate.

Lydia sighs, feeling bad for him. She nods and holds out her hand. He smiles faintly before taking it, intertwining their finger immediately. 

Lydia puts her milk into the cart before walking off to get the next item, laundry detergent. She looks over at the man holding her hand.

"So, what's your name?" Lydia asks. She notices the moles that dot his stubble infested cheeks.

He hesitates before saying "James".

"What's yours?" He asks.

Lydia laughs and looks at him, noticing that his eyes remind her of honey. He raises a brow at her.

"What's so funny?"

"It's funny that you actually think I'll tell you my name when you haven't even told me yours," She responds with a quiet chuckle.

"I told you, it's James," He says.

"You're lying," Lydia says in a sing-song voice.

He smirks and looks at the ground. The man bites his lip and shakes his head slightly.

"How'd you know?" He asks.

"Everyone has a tell," Lydia informs him. She stops in front of the Tide bottles and grabs one. She glances at the next item.

"My name is Stiles," He admits.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" Lydia asks as she reads the list over.

He stifles a laugh at her remark.

"It's a nickname."


"For me to know and you to not know," Stiles says with a grin.

Lydia rolls her eyes but keeps on walking.

"My name's Lydia," She tells him. "And that's my real name, by the way."

Stiles laughs and nods. "Good to know."

They walk in silence, hand in hand, as Lydia does the rest of her shopping. The store is surprisingly busy but Lydia notices that none of the people in the there are couples.

She faces Stiles with her eyebrows furrowed. And then she realizes what he did. She pulls her hand out of his slowly.

"Your ex wasn't even here, was she," Lydia says.

Stiles smirks, "Nope."

"So what was this all about then?" Lydia asks and crosses her arms over her chest.

"I just wanted to see if my pick up line would actually work on you," He says with a wink. "And I'm glad it did because holding your hand was the highlight of my week."

Lydia scoffs.

Stiles reaches over and grabs Lydia's list. She tries to snatch it back but he's too quick. He also takes the pen from her coat pocket.

"Here's my number," He says as he writes it down, "Call me next time you need to go shopping. This was fun, Lydia."

He hands her the paper back and her pen. She looks down at the number, making sure it was actually seven digits long.

"And what if I don't?" Lydia taunts.

"Then I guess it wasn't meant to be," He teases.

And with that, he walks away and out of the building.

Lydia called him.

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