I Need You {Short Story/Smut}

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Part One

Lydia sat quietly in her seat, her fingers lightly tapping against her desk to an unknown beat. She glanced at the clock every now and then, realizing how slow time was taking. Lydia wanted to go home.

Mr. Hale went on with teaching the class about Mitosis, the class staying quiet as some listened and others just stared off into oblivion. Lydia was both, sometimes tuning in, sometimes tuning out. She already knew what Mr. Hale was teaching so she didn't really care.

As she glanced at the clock again, her eyes drifted to the boy who sat across the room, near the wall the hung the clock. The school's biggest player and hottest bad boy, Stiles fucking Stilinski. Who also use to be her best friend before he hit puberty and got cute and popular.

They were best friends long ago, always did everything together. Where Stiles was, Lydia was always with him, and where ever Lydia was, Stiles was right next to her. That was until the eighth grade, when girls started to notice how handsome Stiles was. He and Lydia began to drift away, and soon enough, they didn't talk at all. Stiles got into Scott McCall's bad boy group and toyed around with girls. But now Stiles has a girlfriend, Malia Tate, another popular student at Lydia's school. Personally, Lydia thought the two were just perfect for each other. They were both popular and rude.

So when Lydia looks at Stiles and sees him already looking at her, she raises a brow at him. He hasn't talk, nor looked at her in years. Five to be exact, but pfft, who's counting, right? Stiles mouths something to Lydia but she can't understand it. Why is he even acknowledging her?  

She watches as he writes something down onto a piece of paper and crumples it up softly. Stiles murmurs something into the blonde girl that sits next to him's ear and she giggles and nods. She passes it to her right, to a boy with caramel hair. He passes it to the boy next to him, then next to him, until it reaches her.

She looks up at Stiles who is now looking at Mr. Hale. Lydia opens the crumpled paper and deciphers his messy handwriting. 

We need to talk

What's there to talk about? Is he trying to repair their broken, severely damaged friendship? No, he left her, why should she let him back in? Because you still love him, her subconscious taunts. Maybe.

When the bell finally rings and Mr. Hale dismisses the class, Lydia waits for Stiles once she exits the classroom. When the brown haired and freckled faced boy walks up to her, she shuffles her books in her arms.

"What do you want from me?" She asks, flinching a bit at her harshness. It wasn't really intended, but what would you say to your ex-best-friend who walked out on you to be popular?

"I need you to do something for me," He says, "Just hear me out okay?" Lydia sighs but nods, she leans up against the wall knowing it'll be a while.

"I've been really stressed out lately," Stiles tells her, "With school, lacrosse, Malia, I just need a stress reliever." He bites his lip and Lydia furrows her eyebrows.

"And how does this affect me?" She huffs, not understanding how she fits into this conversation.

"Can't you do you're good friend Stiles a favor and be my stress reliever?" He asks and Lydia finally understands.

"Number one, we're not friends, and number two I'm not being your fuck buddy," Lydia replies and stands up to walk away. Stiles tugs on her arm.

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