She's Gone {Short Story}

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Part Two

"How is he?" Scott asked Mr. Stilinski as soon as he walked into the house. It's been two days since the battle and the pack hasn't been talking at all since then.

"He hasn't unlocked his door, let alone left the damn room," Mr. Stilinski sighed and sat down in his armchair. He put his head in hands and Scott clenched his jaw.

"He hasn't come out at all?" He questioned. Mr. Stilinski shook his head no. "Has he been eating? Drinking?"

"I know as much as you do, Scott," He sighed miserably and rubbed his face.

Scott pinched the bridge of his nose. He let put a quiet groan before walking up the stairs. He walked down the hall and stopped in front of Stiles' bedroom.

He knocked on his door. "Stiles? It's... It's Scott. Can you please just open the door?" When there was complete silence and no movement at all Scott knocked louder. "I just need to know if you're okay."

Scott emitted a deep breath and put his hand on the doorknob. "I'm going to break the lock if you don't open up."

He gave Stiles one last chance and he didn't take it. So, he turned the knob until he heard a loud crack. He pushed the brown door open and stepped into the room.

Stiles' objective board was kicked down and had red marker scribbling everything out. There was crumpled papers everywhere and red yarn was loosely hanging from his walls.

Stiles was on his unmade bed with his eyes closed. There were faint streaks on his face where the tears were running. A fresh tear was on the tip of his nose. There were dark bags under his eyes, making it look as if he hasdn't slept in weeks.

The clothes he was wearing were the ones he wore the night they were fighting the beast and dread doctors. There were blotches of blood on the blue t-shirt, Lydia's blood.

It pained Scott to see his best friend like this, so beaten down, so vulnerable.

Stiles slowly opened his eyes, his bloodshot and teared over eyes. His dark irises that were once full of light met Scott's eyes.

"Hey, Stiles," Scott whispered. Stiles closed his eyes once more.

An uncomfortable silence washed over them for a few minutes until, surprisingly, Stiles broke it. The first time he spoke was incoherent. Scott couldn't understand a word that came out of the other boy's mouth. Stiles spoke louder.

"It's your fault."


"It's all your fucking fault!" Stiles yelled. "I was right about Theo all along but you kept on trusting him! And look at what that cost us! It cost us Lydia. LYDIA!"

Scott clenched his jaw and wiped away a stray tear that trickled down his cheek. "You're acting as if you were the only one that lost her," He said sharply. "But I lost her too! We all did!"

"Get out."


"Get out of my fucking room," Stiles mumbled and turned onto his side, facing away from Scott. Scott left without a word and slammed the bedroom door shut on his way out.

Scott jogged down the stairs and walked to the door.

"Did he say anything?" Mr. Stilinski asked, the hope showing in his voice. Scott bit his lip. He shook his head and left the household.

Scott got into his car and sighed. He took out his phone and dialed Hayden's number. She picked up on the fifth ring.

"Hey, Scott," Hayden said. She sounded miserable.

"How's Liam doing?" Scott questioned.

"His best friend since third grade died yesterday," She said bitterly, "How do you think he's doing?"

Scott pinched the bridge of his nose. "Answer the question Hayden."

"He's not talking."

"And Corey?"

"He um. Corey left town last night."

Scott sighed, "Okay." He hung up and threw his phone into the passenger seat.

The dread doctors walked around their operating table. One of them threw Lydia's body onto it.

"I will get what I want," Theo says with a smirk. The dread doctor injected a syringe into Lydia's neck.

"They won't even see us coming," He grinned as another doctor threw Mason's body onto the table. They injected him as well.

Lydia sat up quickly, gasping for air. Her hands grabbed at her throat as she gained her breath back. Mason followed a few minutes after.

"Welcome back," Theo cackled.

Lydia glanced at Mason and back at Theo. She glared at him.

"What did you do to us?" She asked.

"Tracy!" Theo called. Tracy appeared but she wasn't alone. She had a girl, one that was in Lydia's AP math class, in her death grip.

Lydia started to get an urge. Her teeth began to ache.

One of the dread doctors grabbed the girl and brought her closer to Lydia.

"One taste, Lydia," Theo said, "That's all it will take."

"What are you talking about?" Lydia yelled. It felt like the room was getting smaller all around her. She began to sweat.

"Don't resist the urge," The doctor said in his deep, staticky voice.

Lydia could hear the girl's heartbeat, the flow of her blood coursing through her body. Suddenly, it became too much. She jumped off the table and pulled the girl close to her. She bit into her neck, making the girl cry out in pain and fear.

She drained her dry of her blood, not even feeling bad about it. When she pulled away, the girl's lifeless body fell to the floor. Her fangs were now fully grown.

Mason watched the scene unfold. His eyes widened as he saw little, black, snake type things move under Lydia's pure red eyes. "What did you do to us?" He screamed.

"Don't worry Mason, you're not a vampire like Lydia," Theo smirked, "We got different plans for you." One of the doctors grabbed him by the neck and pulled him off of the table. He snarled at them, his glowing beta eyes showing.

"Lydia," Theo said, "I'll let you both go if you do one thing for me." Lydia looked up at him and nodded.

"Compel Mason to be loyal to me," He said and put his hands in the air, "And then I'll let you both free." Lydia nodded once more.

The dread doctors told her what to do and she did it. She compelled Mason to be loyal to them and Theo.

Theo and the doctors walked them out of the underground tunnels.

"You can go," Theo said. "For now."

To Be Continued

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