I Need You {Short Story/Smut}

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Part 7

The nurse puts an icepack on Lydia's head. Lydia holds the now crimson red paper towel up to her nostrils, trying to stop the bleeding.

"I told these damn gym teachers to quit playing dodgeball," The nurse curses, "But they don't listen." Lydia laughs a little but flinches at the excruciating pain. 

The last thing she remembered before being knocked on her ass in the gymnasium was Malia throwing the red, rubbery ball towards her. Malia looked furious and she also saw Erica glaring at her.

Once the bleeding stopped, Lydia stood from the small bed in the nurses office. She held the icepack to her forehead and walked out. Her mother was on her way to bring her home.

As Lydia put her locker combination into her locker, she felt a presence behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Stiles.

"Are you okay?" He asks, gently examining her face with his fingers. Lydia smiles faintly and nods.

"I'm fine," She says and grabs her math binder out of her locker. She turns back to put it in her bag. Stiles leans on the lockers next to her and watches.

"Who did this to you?" Stiles questions, looking at her bruised lip. Lydia zips her bag up and slings it over her shoulder.

"It's fine Stiles, it was an accident," She says and closes her locker. Stiles waits for her to answer him. She sighs. "It was Malia." He bites his lip hard and looks down the hallway.

Lydia's phone rings and she answers it. "Yeah, I'm coming," She says and turns to Stiles. "I'll talk to you later. My mom's here." And with that, she walks out of the school.


"Are you fucking crazy?" Stiles barks.

"What's wrong Baby?" Malia pouts. She reaches out to him but he shrugs her off.

"Don't touch me," He growls. Malia rolls her eyes. "You gave Lydia a fucking nose bleed! Her head is bruised and so is her fucking lip!"

"So you two are still talking?" Malia huffs, crossing her arms.

"Leave Lydia alone," Stiles yells. She doesn't even flinch.

"Stop talking to her and break everything off, or I swear to God Stiles, I'll do worse than a few bruises and a nose bleed," Malia snaps.

"Why are you doing this?" Stiles sighs.

"Because you are mine. Not some slut you use to fuck," Malia grits.

"Just leave her alone, okay?" Stiles says and Malia smirks.


Lydia gets out of the shower and her phone beeps. She grabs it and looks at the text from Stiles.

Open your front door

Lydia puts on a pair of shorts and a hoody quickly. She walks downstairs to the front door. She opens it up to see Stiles. He looked upset about something.

"Sti? What's wrong?" Lydia asks, holding the door open for him to walk in. He does and she tells him to sit down on the couch as she gets him a glass of water.

Stiles takes a sip of the water as she sits on the other side of the couch, facing him. He puts the glass down on the coffee table.

"I never meant for it to go this far," Stiles mumbles, looking down at his fiddling thumbs. Lydia furrows her brows at his response.

"You were just suppose to be a casual fuck," He says, doing his best to hold back the tears.

"Why are you saying this?" Lydia asks. His words hurt but she knew they weren't true, right? She reaches for his hand but he jerks it away, turning his head away from her, his eyes closing, and his jaw clenching.

"You don't mean that," She says, sitting straighter in her seat.

"I didn't mean anything I said before right now. I never wanted to be your friend, you were so stupid to think that. I knew it would be easy to manipulated you so I did," He bites back. He clenches down on his teeth as hard as he could, trying to keep in the tears that are begging to come out.

"Don't," Lydia whispers, "Don't say that."

"But it's true—"

"Stop it."

"Why? Why is it so hard for you to except it?" Stiles exclaims.

"Because I love you, Stiles!" Lydia yells.

An eery silence breaks out after her proclamation. Her hands runs through her hair and she sighs. Stiles feels one of the many tears he's been holding in fall down his cheek. Lydia doesn't notice.

"I'm sorry," She finally admits, staring at the floor. Her stomach aches and her head hurts. She just wants the day to be over with already.

"No," Stiles says, "I'm sorry." He pauses for a moment, trying to find the right words. "You shouldn't have fallen in love with me," He says finally.

"I told you I'd screw up," Lydia forces a laugh, "I always do." With that, she stands up and goes upstairs to her bedroom, locking the door behind her.

Stiles rubs his face and groans. He needed to do this. Malia won't hurt her again. He stands up and leaves her house. Stiles gets into his jeep and hits the dashboard with all this strength.

He looks up from where he was staring and notices Lydia standing in her window. She rips a photo in half and lets it drop to the ground outside. Stiles feels his heart stop when he remembers what photo it was. Lydia closes her window and pulls her curtains so he can no longer see inside.


Writers Note:

Don't. Kill. Me.

It had to be done. 😈🔫

Anyways, HELLO (from the outside) I'M BACK. As you know, I've been MIA recently and I'm sorry. I'll try to update regularly again. And I'm bored with my story Fire and Ice so I'll be ending that shit soon. On a happier note, this one-shot isn't even fucking close to being finished😂👌🏼 I hope everyone likes this One-Shot series. I was going to make this a separate story but I know no one would read it because there's 7 parts you've already read. So there no point.

Love you all! Comment and vote!! Or don't. Idgaf.


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