Birthday {One-Shot 1/2}

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Lydia's smile faltered as she heard the news. At first she thought she heard him wrong but Scott said it again. Stiles couldn't make it to her twenty–third birthday party. She sighed and pulled away from Scott's hug.

"He missed his flight," She repeated and Scott nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry Lyds," Scott said and rubbed her shoulder, "I know you really wanted to see him. But for all it's worth, he misses you a lot."

Lydia shrugged and put her fake, but most believable, smile on her face. "It's alright. I just haven't seen him in four years, that's all."

Scott opened his mouth to say something but Malia walked up to them both and handed Lydia a messily wrapped present. Lydia looked down at the gift and then back up at the were-coyote. "Thanks, Mal," She said and hugged her.

Malia hugged her friend back and whispered, "Happy Birthday, Lydia."

And that's how her birthday went. Her friends and other people showed up to her birthday party, which was at a nightclub, hugged her, wished her a happy birthday, and had a good time. They danced to the music and drank the alcohol.

Lydia, though, sat down most of the time when her friends weren't looking. She propped her head up on her hand and watched as the lively party unfolded in front of her.

Lydia thought back to the night Stiles left for college. It was four years ago, a year after the defeat of the Beast of Gévaudan.

He had knocked on her bedroom door late at night. She was oblivious to the fact that he was leaving when she let him into her room.

Lydia had greeted him with a bright smile–a real smile. Stiles had given her a sad, distracted smirk in return and sat down on her bed. She had followed him and laid down next to him.

"I'm leaving Beacon Hills, Lydia," He had told her with a needy look in his eyes. "For college. I need a break from here."

Lydia's mouth had opened slightly but she closed it quickly and her jaw clenched. She balled her fists at her sides and slowly nodded.

"Come with me," He had said softly, with an urgency that she had never heard from him before. "Leave this place with me, Lyds. Just you and me."

The idea had sounded so amazing to her. She considered leaving with him. But she had sighed and shook her head. "You don't get it, Stiles." Lydia had bitten her lip and rubbed her face. "I can't leave. I'm drawn to this place, like the rest of our friends are. It's physically impossible for me to go." She had put her hands on his shoulders and he had looked up at her with soft eyes. "I'm sorry."

Stiles had slowly leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her parted lips. She had kissed him back at a slow pace as her hands cupped his defined jawline.

Lydia snapped out of the memory and stood up from her chair. She met Scott and Kira on the dance floor and tried her hardest to have a good time, without thinking anymore about Stiles.

Lydia yawned and kicked off her stilettos. She began to peel the dress off of her body. Once she reached her bedroom she threw it into her hamper.

Lydia slipped into a tank top and a pair of shorts before climbing into her bed. She laid her head down on her pillow and hugged the blankets close to her body.

She closed her eyes and started to imagine different scenarios of how the night could've went. All of them included the boy she missed so much.

Lydia imagined him calling her, telling her that he'd be there as soon as he could. She could even hear her phone ringing, as if it was truly real and happening.

Lydia opened her eyes when she realized the sound was getting louder. She laughed quietly when she saw that her phone was lit up and someone really was calling her.

She reached over and grabbed it off of her desk. An unknown number was calling her. She clumsily accepted the call and pressed the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" She lazily said, her voice laced with sleep.

She could hear a slight sound of static, which slightly annoyed her. "Hey, Birthday Girl," Stiles said through the noise. Lydia could hear the smirk in his voice and she smiled brightly.

"Hey, Flight Misser," She said back, a smirk of her own tugging at the corner of her lips.

Stiles laughed. "For the record, I wasn't late for that flight, the plane was just early. I'm on a plane now, though," He told her, "I should be in Beacon Hills in about thirty minutes."

Lydia sat up quickly and gripped her phone tighter in her hand. "You're still coming?"

"Of course," Stiles said. "I missed your birthdays over the past...what? Three years? I'm not missing any more of them, Lyds, ever–"

"Excuse me, Sir, my daughter is trying to sleep," A woman said, cutting him off. Lydia heard some shuffling from his side of the phone call.

"Hold on," He mumbled into the phone and she waited patiently. The shuffling stopped and their was a subtle sound of a door closing. "Ok, sorry about that. I guess I was too loud. I'm in the bathroom now, though."

"You're coming back for me?" Lydia asked quietly.

Stiles went silent for a moment. "I'm coming back for the pack and my dad. But I'm staying for you."

Lydia's breathing hitched. "Stiles, I–"

"Pick me up from the airport," Stiles said, "And then we'll talk, okay?"

As soon as Lydia saw him exit the security area she ran up to him. He held out his arms for her and she jumped into them. Her limbs wrapped around his body as she buried her head into the crook of his neck.

Stiles engulfed Lydia into a tight hug as she begin to cry. He kissed her head and rubbed her back, whispering that he was there now and that he wasn't leaving again.

"I m–missed y–you," She sobbed. Her hands fisted his t-shirt which pulled him closer. "I p–pretended that I d–didn't care but I did, I cared so much, Stiles."

"I'm back, for good Lyds. Every single second I was away I just wanted you more and now that I'm here I don't ever plan on leaving again," Stiles whispered to her. She nodded slowly. "Let's go to your apartment, alright? I'll drive."

Writers Note:

Part 1/2

Hello yas i know i keep going on hiatus but school is almost over (i just have my fucken finals and then I'm done) so i have more time to write! Hahahaha i can finally leave hell soon and it feels amazing. I dont have to see anymore fake ass bitches for 7 hours, 5 days a week!

I'll probably post part 2/2 tomorrow or monday but if i dont just know it'll be soon. But anyways vote and comment!!! I'm lonely asf so pleeeeaaaaaaaassssseeeeeee


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