She's Gone {Short Story}

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Part Five

"Stiles?" Scott said into his phone as soon as he picked it up. "Stiles where are you? Did Lydia hurt you? Are you okay?"

Stiles rubbed his eyes. "I see that Derek told you everything." He walked out of Lydia's room and down the hall. "Lydia didn't hurt me, she wouldn't do that. We just talked and I calmed her down. But when I woke up she wasn't here."

"Where are you?" Scott repeated.

"I'm at Lydia's house–"

"I'll be there in a few minutes," Scott cut him off  and then hung up.

Stiles stuffed his phone back into his pocket and walked down the stairs. He rounded the corner and entered the kitchen.

Natalie was sitting at the dinner table drinking coffee, even though it was four in the morning. Natalie saw Stiles walk in.

"How is it possible?" Natalie asked, her voice cracking. "You all told me s-she was gone. That my daughter, Lydia, died. H-How is she back? How is it possible?"

Stiles sighed and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Martin." He felt his eyes starting to water. "I should've protected her."

Natalie smiled faintly. "All this started happening right after she met you." She stood up, took her coffee, and made her way upstairs.

Stiles chuckled brokenly. Even though he didn't want to admit it, Ms.Martin was right. It wasn't all because of him but he had everything to do with it.

He heard Scott's motorcycle pulling up in the driveway so he met him outside.

"We'll find her," Scott said as Stiles got onto the bike. Scott handed him his helmet and Stiles put it on.

"Yeah," Stiles said emotionlessly. Scott started the motorcycle and drove down the driveway. They rode in silence.

The first arrow nicked Stiles' head when they were driving down a shortcut that lead to his house. Scott swiveled a little and stepped on the gas harder.

The second and third arrows went right into Scott's tires, making them go flat. The bike slowed down and the two boys quickly got off of it.

Scott sensed rapid movement behind the trees. His eyes turned red, making it so that he could see through the darkness. Scott saw someone dressed in a hooded cloak with a crossbow in its hand.

He growled and showed his fangs. Hair started to form on the side of his face. Scott charged after it, leaving Stiles with his bike.Scott chased the cloaked figure through the woods, jumping over twigs and tree roots in the process.

The person's scent was familiar to Scott. He couldn't pinpoint who it was, but he did know that he has met them before.

The unknown person tripped on a branch and it's hood fell. It was a girl, her brown frizzy hair blowing in the window as she continued to run. She grabbed her hood and tugged it back over her head.

"Who are you?" Scott growled. He picked up his pace and caught up the her. The girl was fast, really fast, but not as fast as him.

The girl stopped running and Scott soon came to a halt when he saw that they were on the cliff that overhung Beacon Hills.

"Show yourself," Scott demanded. The girl slowly faced him. She lifted her hands to her hood and pulled it back. Scott's heart stopped beating when he saw her face.

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