She's Gone {Short Story}

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Part 15

Scott ran down the stairs at full speed. His heart was pounding against his rib-cage and his breathing was heavy. His mother was home, where there were hundreds of rogue chimeras running around with their murderous leader.

When he got to the bottom of the staircase he looked around. Everything was silent and perfectly still. That only made him worry more.

But then Theo's voice cut through the air like a knife, sending a wave of goosebumps down Scott's body. He was outside, Scott knew by the sound of the voice. It was distant but yet Theo's voice rang in his ears as if Theo was right next to him.

"Fight me like a man, Scott," Theo cackled, "Like a True Alpha would." There was a slight pause, and Scott could hear the smirk through his voice. "Or else she dies."

"Scott don't!" Melissa screamed, but her voice was soon muffled out by what Scott imagined was Theo's hand.

Scott took a deep breath and opened the door. He walked out slowly. Scott looked around his backyard and noticed Theo standing exactly in the middle of it, his claws against his mother's throat. Behind him was all his friends in the same position as Melissa.

"Poor Scott McCall," Theo taunted. "He can't even save himself, let alone his friends and his own mother." All of Theo's chimeras laughed in unison.

Kira gasped and Scott looked at her. Erica was holding her katana and using it against the smaller girl. The blade was against Kira's throat and Erica was ready to move it swiftly on Theo's command.

Scott saw Stiles struggle against Tracy's hold. Stiles hit her with his shoulders, trying to break free from her grip. "Scott!" Stiles yelled, escaping from the Kanima's arms.

Tracy's tail launched forward and buried itself deeply inside Stiles' side. Stiles grunted in pain and his legs began to give in. Her poison coursed through his veins, paralyzing his whole body in a matter of fifteen seconds. Tracy leaned forward and grabbed him before he could fall.

"Stiles!" Lydia screamed. The vampire who was holding Lydia pushed her down onto her knees. The rogue vampire's grip on Lydia's wrists tightened, pulling them farther behind her back.

Aidan, who was behind Theo, watched as the vampire put Lydia in pain. Something in him clicked and he started to fear for her. His eyes darted across the yard and stopped on his brother's gaze.

Ethan's eyes were filled with tears. A chimera had it's teeth bared and it's claws against Ethan's chest. Aidan's eyes widened with horror.

"Let them all go," Scott said, "And I won't even put up a fight. You can kill me, whatever you want, just let them go."

Allison ran forward. "No!" She screamed. A chimera with purple eyes ran towards her and tackled her to the ground.

"Oh Scott, I can't do that," Theo said with a smirk. He signaled for one of his pack members to take Melissa. Isaac started growling.

But then there was a gigantic roar, which sent chills down everyone's spine. Blue omega eyes appeared out of the darkness. He still looked the same as he did three years ago, not to anyone's surprise.

Jackson took a leap and knocked out the chimera holding Isaac. "Watch out!" Isaac exclaimed. Jackson looked behind him, noticing four more coming at him. He two surrounded Isaac while the other two surrounded him.

They all began to fight, but the chimeras were no match. Soon, Jackson and Isaac were in their hold.

"Jackson?" Lydia whispered.

If it weren't for the chimera holding him by his throat, Jackson probably would have said something witty.

"Fight me, Scott, or your mother will die right here, right now," Theo said.

Scott charged first, his canines now visible and his talons extended from his fingers. His red eyes illuminated the darkness around him. Theo reacted fast, blocking the alpha's blow.

Theo grabbed Scott by the throat and Scott grabbed his arm, twisting it until it made a cracking noise. He expected Theo to scream out in pain, but no, Theo just looked down at his broken arm and laughed. He was truly insane.

The chimera alpha raised his arm back and took a swing at the other alpha. Scott leaned backwards, avoiding his claws. When he stood back up, he swung at Theo's face. His claws left deep scratch marks across his cheek.

Stiles felt his fingers begin to move.

Theo kneed Scott in the stomach and Scott fell forward. Theo caught him and punched him in the face. Melissa started screaming. Scott felt dizzy and his eyelids slowly started to close.

Theo bent over so his lips were by Scott's ear. "Goodbye, Scott McCall." Theo thrusted his hand forward and his claws plunged into his chest. Scott's red eyes opened wide, his mouth parting as well. And just before everything went completely dark for him, he heard Lydia scream. She screamed that one scream he never thought he'd hear again. Lydia screamed her banshee scream.

To Be Continued...

Writers Note:

RIP Scott McCall

One more part left guys! And if you wanted to know, this sing is called Sleep Walking by Bring Me The Horizon

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