Chpt 1 or Chloe Beale's Bad Day or the Time Beca Mitchell Gave Out Free Hugs

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Sitting up slightly Chloe glanced at the clock across the room, she could barely make out the bright red numbers as she tried to adjust her blurry vision. The actual time didn't register as she laid back down reaching out for Beca. In the back of her mind there was twenty minutes left before they had to be up and to get ready for work.

As her hand hit cold sheets Chloe groaned remembering it was Beca's early day. The last thing she recalls is Beca kissing her goodbye before exiting the room at five forty-five. Usually when Beca leaves early she doesn't bother opening the blinds, instead she leaves them closed so the redhead can sleep an extra hour. Which is the opposite from their normal routine where Beca makes the bed and opens the blinds while Chloe heads down to make coffee before leaving for work.

That means the false darkness in the room was deceiving and the clock didn't read 5:20AM the last time she looked.

"Shit," Chloe shot up, it was 7:14AM and Beca forgot to set the alarm. School started in an hour and fifteen minutes and she was going to be late for work.

After showering she ran from the bathroom to her walk-in closet, in search of something to wear.

"Thank god for casual Friday's."

Throwing on a form fitting yellow Henley, some jeans and putting her hair in a messy bun, Chloe jogged down the stairs. Finding her matching yellow shoes at the front door she slipped them on before checking her watch, she had just enough time for a quick coffee.

As she made her way to the Keurig, which Beca insisted upon for days when they were in a hurry, she saw her usual travel mug already out. Stepping closer she saw a five-dollar bill folded into an origami tulip and a sticky note resting beside it. We're out of coffee, so pick up your favorite from our usual place on me. I'll buy more on the way home. I love you...

Checking her watch again Chloe knew she'd be pushing it by stopping for coffee but she needed it, so she decided to take that chance.

Stepping outside, the unseasonably cool temperature hit her. So, she ventured back inside to grab a light pullover. She didn't have to look far before seeing Beca's black and purple checkered button up from last night haphazardly resting on the staircase banister.

"This will do." She mumbled, after picking it up and examining the shirt for wrinkles.

Rolling the sleeves up to her forearm, Chloe couldn't help thinking this was the one and only time she was glad Beca left her things scattered around their house.

After locking up Chloe made it to the coffee shop in record time. While she waited for her order, a chai latte with two shots of espresso, she sent a quick message to Beca.

Chloe [7:48AM]: You get a free pass for being messy and not setting the alarm Mitchell.

Future Wife [7:50AM]: And why am I so lucky?

Chloe could practically see Beca's smirk through the phone.

Chloe [7:51AM]: For starters you're cute and I love you and because I might have borrowed your shirt from last night.

Future Wife [7:52AM]: Not cute, badass... and you always borrow my clothes, that's nothing new.

Chloe [7:53AM]: OK adorable badass it is then.

Chloe [7:54AM]: I only needed it b/c it's chilly out. Don't worry I didn't take your shoes, I don't have toddler feet.

Future Wife [7:54AM]: Toddler feet really? That doesn't even deserve a comeback, because it's going to rain and when it does you'll be wishing you had an umbrella instead of my shirt.

Beca x Chloe: A Collection of Cute and Humorous MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now