One time Beca Mitchell did something totally cliché for Chloe

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Rating: T

Era: One week before Chapter 5 (Will You Marry Me) in No Electricity

Disclaimer: Pitch Perfect, its characters, idea or any references to any of the moves aren't mine. What is mine? Everything else, including any and all mistakes!

A/N #1: Katherine Beale was introduced in Chapter 5 & 6 when Chloe was being all lovesick over Beca, reading those two chapters might help in understanding her character a little bit, but it's not necessary at all for this chapter. Just know that I write her as a very insightful/funny person who is very much like Chloe, who loves to give Beca a run for her money, but is still very much a loving, and in this case, meddling mother. She is really so much fun to write!



"Hey Bec..." Gently sitting down next to her sleeping girlfriend Chloe brushed a strand of hair away. When that failed, she lightly ran her hand down Beca's back, "Baby."

Burrowing into the duvet Beca opened her eyes, for a few seconds she forgot where she was until she saw the light yellow walls and French doors overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. She was in Chloe's old bedroom in The Hamptons and they were visiting for Katherine's surprise birthday party.

"Sleeping beauty awakens..."

Flipping to her back, Beca let her eyes adjust to the light before groggily replying, "Nope, never got a kiss."

"That can be arranged..." Pecking Beca's lips, Chloe smiled and linked their fingers together.

"See, best way to wake up," Blinking a couple times Beca gave a sleepy smile, "What time is it?"

"A little after twelve," Planting a kiss on Beca's cheek Chloe moved to gather her jacket and scarf, "I'm heading out with my Dad to pick up some stuff for tonight, I just wanted to give you a heads up."

Sitting up on her elbows, Beca tiredly smiled, "Give me a few minutes I'll go with you guys."

"Stay here, take another nap."

"Here's an idea," Pushing the covers back Beca patted the empty space beside her, "Take a nap with me," Pulling at the sleeve of Chloe's oversized, off-white knit sweater she pleaded, "I know you want to, this bed's screaming naptime."

"It's tempting..." Throwing her jacket on the end of the bed Chloe crawled up next to her girlfriend. Sleep warm, half awake Beca was the best snuggler and it was entirely inviting right now.

"We can cuddle and watch the ice sickles melt while drinking hot chocolate," Beca pleaded accepting another kiss.

Honestly, Chloe wanted nothing more than to curl up next to Beca and sleep for a couple hours. They'd arrived really late last night after working all day and if she didn't need to pickup her mom's birthday cake, she'd be all about naptime.

"Maybe later," Sitting up Chloe reached for her scarf and before she knew it, she was being dragged back down onto the bed.

"I'm going to hold you to that," Beca grinned as her girlfriend fidgeted around until her stomach was comfortably used as a pillow. This was one of those moments that if she had Chloe's engagement ring, in hand, she wouldn't hesitate to ask, "So, who took my shoes off and shoved me under the covers."

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