Ask Her Out

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A/N: This one jumped out as I took my bus through my city's Downtown, trying to stay awake because I slept late. I had been working on my other fics but I decided that this one should get done first. I had hinted in my previous chapters about drunken make outs and thought I should elaborate on it before I got to the first date one. This is independent of that chapter and not needed for any reference, so read if you want too.

I don't own Pitch Perfect or any of its characters! All mistakes and ideas are mine.


Like clockwork every Wednesday Stacie waltz's into practice and informs Aubrey, and the Bellas, that they've been invited to a frat party. Most of the time Aubrey says no, stating everybody needs their rest. But there have been a few occasions, per Chloe's nagging, like today that she relents. The finals are over but they still have a few performances for the school so Aubrey keeps pushing.

The group is happy for the down time and stress relief, but there is always one person that isn't, Beca Mitchell. She's not happy because she knows what it will lead to, drunken make outs with Chloe Beale. It's not that Beca isn't happy about kissing Chloe, she quite likes it, but at the end of the night Chloe is the one thing she can't have. The next day Beca is certain the redhead only remembers it as fumbling drunken kisses that are hidden from the party. That was until Stacie pulled Beca aside and confronted her about it.

"Beca this is becoming a pattern," Stacie said glancing sideways to the shorter girl.

"What no it's...not?" Beca questioned, more to herself than Stacie.

Beca had a feeling she knew where this conversation was headed and didn't want to have it. Trying to sidestep it Beca took a quick look at Stacie and shrugged, "I got no idea what you are talking about."

"Please, don't think this is the first time I've seen you and Chloe wander off to god knows where at a party. Only for you guys to show up ten minutes later acting like nothing happened," Stacie replied with a pointed glare.

"I was just helping her look for her phone," Beca nervously stated. "She always seems to lose it."

"That must happen a lot then and in dark secluded locations," Stacie tosses back.

"Maybe once or twice," came the reply from the shorter girl as she glances down to her cup.

Stacie just stares at Beca and thinks, oh so you want to play games.

"More like every party. You mean to tell me she loses her phone at every party and you are the only one that volunteers to help find it?"

"Yep," Beca states with a shrug.

"What about this party Beca? Seems she's lost it twice already," Stacie remarks nonchalantly as she glances across the room. Chloe is trying to listen to something Cynthia Rose is saying but is openly staring at Beca. "And by the way she's looking at you right now I bet it's going to happen again."

Beca quickly looks up and then away and finally concedes, "Man I thought we were being so careful and sly about this."

"Maybe at the first few parties but not the third or forth," Stacie laughed. "Especially tonight, man she has got some kind of pull on you."

It had been innocent the first time it happened that night, two or three drinks in and Beca thought she could control herself. That was until she got the look from Chloe, the look that meant, "meet me upstairs in ten." Just as Chloe pinned Beca to the door and things were getting heated they were interrupted by an insistent knocking, leaving the two looking at each other with wide eyes. With one final kiss Chloe sidestepped out of the room, not saying a word, leaving a flustered Beca behind.

Beca x Chloe: A Collection of Cute and Humorous MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now