The First Date or The Art of Dating Chloe Beale, Beca Mitchell Style Part 1

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Rating: T

Era: Pre- Caught

Disclaimer: Look Aca-peeps I don't own anything Pitch Perfect or its characters. Everything else, including all the mistakes, is mine!

A/N 1: So in Chapter 2 (The Inquisition) one of Chloe's students asked about their first date, this is an expansion on that brief description from that chapter. Enjoy!

The day started off better than Beca could have ever imagined, she woke up next to a very hot redhead who was now officially her girlfriend. The whole arrangement was less than twelve hours old, but that didn't matter one bit. Chloe freaking Beale was her girlfriend and she wanted everyone to know it.

That's why Beca found it so hard to pull herself out of bed Saturday morning at the ungodly hour of six. If her furniture and other things weren't being delivered to her new apartment there would be absolutely no way she would've left that bed, did she look like an idiot. The only exception would've been for food, which is exactly what she kept telling herself as they ate breakfast before Chloe left by train to visit her parents.

Chloe offered to help her get settled but there was way more to Beca's excuse than her girlfriend being a distraction. She needed all the time she could get to plan their first date and tonight everything had to be perfect. This date would set the tone for things to come so it needed to be something they'd never forget.

Beca [3:05PM]: Do you have time to Skype?

Stacie [3:07PM]: What for this time? You just called two hours ago.

Beca [3:07PM]: Dude please it's vital...

Stacie [3:08PM]: So was the conversation about flowers, which after 25 minutes you told me Chloe isn't even big on.

Beca [3:08PM]: This is important I swear!

Stacie [3:09PM]: Ok, give me five minutes.

Tossing her phone aside Beca carried her laptop into the bedroom. She was freaking out, she'd gone through every, single article of clothing she owned, tried on twenty different combinations and still couldn't figure out what to wear. Stacie was her last resort, desperate times called for desperate measures.

The familiar ring stopped the brunettes pacing, rushing over she clicked the green answer button and Stacie came into view.

"What's up," Stacie questioned, fully aware of how much her best friend was stressing out. "Everything's going to be fine, I'm sure whatever you've planned she'll love. I still don't get why you won't tell me..."

"Because, if I tell you I'll realize its lame and then want to change my plans and I don't have time for that," Beca stated factually as she watched Stacie paint her fingernails. Damn, she didn't think of that, it didn't matter she never really painted them anyway, "Then if I think its lame, Chloe will think its lame and my girlfriend of less than a day will dump my sorry ass because she'll realize how much of a dork I really am."

Stopping the brush mid nail Stacie looked at the camera, "Beca, Chloe already knows you're a dork, it's going to take way more than that for her to run."

"Oh my god, this date's going to be so bad," Flopping back on her unmade bed Beca groaned.

"I'm kidding, geez," They'd been through this hours ago, Chloe wasn't going to run. Stacie knew those two had been waiting for this date since they met. All she could do was offer advice, "If you think it's going bad, just offer sex. That instantly makes things better, trust me."

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