Jealous or How Chloe Got Rid of Beca's Ex

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The afternoon full of errands was over and Beca and Chloe were exhausted. Most of the day was spent tying up loose ends for their big wedding next month at a place near Chloe's house in The Hamptons. Now that all the arrangements were set it was time to relax with an early dinner before heading home to crash.

"That place looks interesting," Chloe stopped and pointed to a fairly crowded restaurant with an outdoor seating area.

"Let's go," Grabbing her wife's hand Beca headed for the crosswalk. "There's beer, food and some type of music, I'm good with that."

What they thought was a small restaurant turned out to be a huge room filled with long tables packed with people. It was controlled chaos and not what they expected to find in the middle of New York City. There weren't even any waiters wandering around, it was all self service.

Pushing their way outside they took a seat in the less crowded area under a canopy of trees with lights strung up. The atmosphere was unique and the tables offered a chance to talk with other diners throughout the night.

"I wasn't expecting this," Looking around Beca was amazed, this took the bar scene to a whole new level.

Grinning Chloe thought about the stack of books laying around at home and laughed, "Geez haven't you read your travel books?" Not getting the desired reaction she playfully rolled her eyes, "You're the one who said beer drinking was your top priority while in Germany for our honeymoon."

"So what's that have to do with this place?" Of all the books Beca read she doesn't once remember them mentioning a place like this. Then again she'd only looked at the pictures, they were going to four countries, she had a lot of material to get through.

"They have places similar to this you dork," Shaking her head Chloe laughed. Beca was the one who dragged her to the bookstore to buy those books two weeks ago and it seemed she was the only doing the reading, "These beer halls are popular..."


"And what?"

"And I know you have more info Beale," Flashing a sarcastic smile Beca snatched the lone menu out of the redhead's hands, "Why are you holding out?"

Leaning on her elbows Chloe motioned for Beca to come closer. Meeting the younger girl halfway she glanced at the brunette's lips, "Because you haven't done you're homework..."

Smirking Beca suggestively trailed her eyes down Chloe's body, "You going to punish me?"

"It all depends..."

"On what?"

Reaching out Chloe slowly traced her fingernail on Beca's hand, "On if you keep calling me Beale. That's not my last name and hasn't been for almost four months."

Pecking Beca's lips Chloe quickly took the menu and sat down. Barely visible over the top she saw the look of pure adoration and love sweep across the younger girls features. Beca was seriously too cute for words sometimes.

"God you're so good at being hot and distracting..." Beca said trying to sound dejected as she watched the redhead read the menu.

The first time Beca misused the name Beale instead of Mitchell it truly was an accident, but now it was a game. She loves hearing her last name roll off Chloe's tongue and she loves how worked up the redhead gets when she pretends to forget.

"I want this," Chloe pointed to an item, "Go order it for me."

"Yes dear," Beca deadpanned.

Giggling Chloe smiled brightly watching Beca stand, "See four months into marriage and you're already well trained."

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