Prank Wars or how Chloe Dominated Beca's Own Game

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Era: Post No Electricity, after the secret wedding

Wandering into the kitchen Beca inconspicuously looked around the floor, it needed to be free of obstacles for what she intended to do. Pulling this prank off would be difficult, but she had confidence in her skills.

Last week Fat Amy sent an email complaining about the lack of quality pranks out of Beca over the past year. She was disappointed and knew Beca was so unbelievably whipped that Chloe probably used sex as leverage to make the brunette fall right in line, thereby ending her fun and games. Every word of was true, but that's the last thing Fat Amy or anyone else needed to know, because Beca refused to admit defeat.

Amongst the emails a challenge had been issued and Beca didn't back down from challenges. She was done with the Australians taunting and tonight would be the first prank in a series designed to show Fat Amy how good she was.

Unbeknownst to the majority of the Bellas, the biggest prank was on them because she and Chloe had eloped three months ago. Taking the advice of Chloe's mom they planned on telling everyone in April during the big wedding, saying nothing more than it was needed for insurance purposes. Fat Amy and the rest would find it hysterical thinking it was a joke that wasn't a joke at all.

"Looking for something babe?" Chloe questioned gathering ingredients for dinner and watching the brunette move about the kitchen.

Stopping in her tracks Beca eyed her wife suspiciously, she seemed unsuspecting, "My sunglasses, I think I dropped them."

"They're in the living room," Chloe stated waving a hand in that direction, eyes returning to the sink.

"Thanks!" Before leaving Beca leaned over the counter giving a quick kiss to the redhead. "How long before dinner's ready?"

"Maybe an hour..."

"How can I help?" On the outside Beca was being passive but inside she was mentally crossing her fingers.

Shutting the faucet off Chloe smiled, "I'm good right now, I'll call you."

"Ok," Beca then left the kitchen and headed upstairs.

Sitting down in their office she pulled up the final email between her and Fat Amy. Fat Amy wanted visual proof of all pranks in the form of video and agreed that YouTube was the easiest way for the Bellas, minus Chloe, to judge the quality.

Sliding open the bottom drawer of the desk Beca pulled out a small GoPro camera, it was everything she needed and then some. The fact that it was it was indestructible and waterproof was an added bonus and that opened up a new realm of pranks.

Going to her closet she pulled out a stuffed octopus that she'd attached to a remote controlled car. She'd been practicing this week with the app on her phone that to controlled the car. She was confident in her abilities to move it around the kitchen undetected.

A few minutes later Beca had the camera mounted on the car was heading downstairs.

Placing the car outside the kitchen Beca switched it on then peeked around the corner. Chloe's back turned, now was the perfect opportunity for the brunette to position herself at the table.

Pulling out a chair Beca dramatically fell into it and slammed her phone down, "I'm bored..."

"I'm sorry," Chloe laughed stirring pasta into boiling water. "Did you come to distract me?"

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