The Inquisition or the Time Beca Visited Chloe's Class

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It was Chloe's afternoon break and she was working on her lesson plans for tomorrow. She hated teaching music theory, it was so boring, but she didn't have an option, it was the basic fundamentals that all singers and musicians needed to know.

Sitting in the back of class she used a remote to flip through her PowerPoint slides, there was just no way to make this crap fun. Beca was the only person she knew that found it remotely entertaining and tonight at dinner she needed to ask her girlfriend for ideas on how to liven the lesson up.

Looking at the clock she had five minutes before afterschool rehearsals started. With the upcoming winter concert approaching Chloe had no choice but to hold extra practices and today was the high school choir until five.

Standing she made her way to her desk. Rummaging through her bag she pulled out her phone, she had just enough time to message Beca.

Unlocking her phone she smiled at the background photo of her and Beca, it was taken by one of Chloe's friends a couple months ago. They were spending Saturday together in Central Park attending a charity concert featuring the New York Philharmonic. Chloe's friend, who was photographing the invite only event, had gotten them last minute passes.

They were in their own little world relaxing towards the back of the audience on a blanket, enjoying the free food and wine. It was early evening and Beca had moved from lying down to sitting cross legged with Chloe's head in her lap. Chloe was absentmindedly playing with one of Beca's hands and totally oblivious to the way the brunette was smiling down at her.

Neither knew they'd been photographed until a few days later when Chloe got an email from her friend with the picture. After seeing it they both agreed the candid shot was perfect.

Her reminiscing was cut short by the sound of talking and footsteps entering the classroom. She reluctantly put her phone away, without sending her message.

"Ok guys lets take a ten minute break." Chloe stated while arranging her music for the next song.

Leaving the classroom Chloe headed out to refill her water bottle.

An hour into practice and things were good, their concert was three weeks away and the choir was right where she wanted them. She was even debating about ending practice early, but figured a little extra preparation never hurts.

When she got back she saw a small group, the same one from this morning, huddled in the back looking at Sarah's iPad.

Chloe got a weird feeling in her stomach because something was off. Normally she wouldn't think anything of it but they were trying to hide what they were watching, which probably meant it wasn't allowed on school time.

Seeing the time Chloe cleared her throat, "Times up, let's power through and maybe we can leave early."

Most of the students returned to their seat, but a small group of five remained seated in the back.

They weren't paying attention and if they were they would've seen Chloe approaching and heard the laughs coming from others in the room. Instead they were so engrossed in the iPad that Chloe leaning over them never registered.

Chloe was shocked to see them looking at a picture of her wearing one of Beca's old Oasis t-shirts. It wasn't incriminating, just a selfie that she sent to her girlfriend a couple weeks ago. They minimized the picture and that's when she saw them looking at her Facebook page.

Chloe was stunned. At least her page was on lockdown and they only had access to her basic information and profile and cover photos.

"Look it says she's in a relationship," Sarah said pointing to the screen.

Beca x Chloe: A Collection of Cute and Humorous MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now