Hospital Trip #2

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Disclaimer: My fellow Aca-People unfortunately Pitch Perfect, its characters, idea or any references to the moves aren't mine. Everything else, including any and all mistakes mine!

A/N #1: It takes a bit for Beca to get injured because I wanted to expand on Beca and Aubrey to see a little friendship bonding between them...I hope you guys like it!

Enjoy!...Attention painkiller Beca Mitchell ahead...


Swiveling her chair, Beca's eyes landed on the last person she expected to see knocking at her door, "Aubrey, hey..."

"Mitchell," Pushing off the doorframe, Aubrey stepped into the office not entirely shocked at the dumbfounded look she was getting, "You look utterly surprised."

"I-I am," Beca rushed out setting some papers aside and reaching for her phone, "I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow and it's," Unlocking the screen she read, "Eleven thirteen on a Thursday?"

Aubrey hid her laughter as the brunette made a last ditch effort to tidy up the desk by tossing away empty coffee cups and water bottles. Gesturing to a chair she dragged it closer to Beca's desk after getting a nod and sat.

Picking up a couple of stray pens, Aubrey placed them in a holder, "This is exactly like your home office, cluttered and disorganized," She stated, voice laced with sarcasm.

Narrowing her eyes, Beca leaned one hand on her desk and pointed with the other, "That's the one place my wife doesn't complain about me leaving things scattered around. So I don't need a lecture from you."

"I'm kidding," Aubrey laughed as Beca fell back into the chair with a thud. She liked playing this game, liked to see just how fast she could get the brunette riled up, "Aren't you glad to see me?"

"Are you ready for that answer?"

"Are you ready for the comeback?"

Beca rested her elbows on the desk, "Are you sure you want to start this?"

Setting her purse aside Aubrey defiantly crossed her arms, "Are you, because Chloe's not here for you to hide behind."

"I can give you a verbal beat down without her here," Beca smugly smiled, "Besides, once you realize you're losing, you always ask her to," Pounding her fists onto the tabletop like a child she added, "Make it stop."

"Yeah, but all she has to do is look at you in a certain way and you instantly shut up," Aubrey's lawyer instincts kicked in as she inched forward and put her elbows on the desk in a dominating way, "And we both know what that means."

Beca shrugged arrogantly, "She's tried withholding sex so many times that I've lost count, she can't live by her own rules, in fact the fastest she's broken that record two hours."

"We're not talking about you and my best friends sex life, that's just," Aubrey felt herself gag a little and shutter at the thought.

Beca was pushing the limits, testing her, but that's the last thing Aubrey wanted to talk about. She'd honestly rather stick sharpened pencils in her ears then discus intimate details with someone other than Chloe. She and Beca were fairly good friends, but they had this unspoken agreement to never talk about certain things and that subject was at the top of the list.

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