Lazy Days or The Time When Beca Mitchell Was Very Grumpy

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Post Era: Before Marriage.

      "UGGGHHH," Beca moaned miserably. "Bec, what's wrong?" Chloe asked, trying to reassure her girlfriend. "I-it's just that um..." Beca was at a loss for words. "I-I...Uh..." Chloe stared at her, curiously, "Bec, just tell me please."

       Beca stood up and went into the kitchen. A few minutes later, she came back with aspirin and a glass of water. "Chlo, I'm..." "Yes??" "I'M ON MY PERIOD OKAY?!" Beca blushed as she shouted. She tugged at her black flannel sleeve and looked at Chloe, annoyed. "Aw baby! Come here." Chloe tried to sympathize, but it only worsened Beca's mood. "I'm fine really Chloe," She gulped down the aspirin and water in a flash.

          "Bec, let me put a movie on for both of us, okay?" "Hotdiggity." Chloe pondered the living room and found the movie "Frozen." "Let's watch this one!" Beca sat on the couch and mumbled, "Sure." Chloe put the DVD into the Blu-ray and sat next to Beca and laid her head on Beca's shoulder. "Mm. Are you better Bec?" Beca looked pale and weary, "Yeah. I-I'm fine."

1h 42min Later....

      "God, that movie was amazing! Ana and Kristoff made the cutest couple ever!" Chloe exclaimed, cheeks red from excitement. "I hate Prince Hans..." Beca scoffed at the picture of Prince Hans on the DVD cover. "Bec, don't say that! I mean, yeah he was an asshole for doing that but why be a grumpy bum?" Chloe twiddled her fingers around, nervously.

        "Hmph." Beca got up from the couch and walked over to the fridge, searching for some pizza slices, but none where found. "Chloe!! WHERE THE HELL IS THE PIZZA?" Chloe grew flustered, "I-um might've eaten it." "Tsk." Beca stormed off to the bedroom she shared with Chloe. "Beca! I-I'm sorry! Don't be angry with me!" But Beca was already rummaging through her DJ equipment and was occupied with, 'making a new remix' for the girls.

    Beca put on her headphones and turned the volume all the way up. Chloe wasn't very pleased. She sat on Beca's lap. "Bec..." But Beca wasn't listening, she turned up the song, "Something Just Like This" all the way up. Chloe grew agitated, "Stop being a grumpy butt." That did it.

     Beca's hands flew to her headphones and she yanked them off. "What did you say?" Chloe puffed out her cheeks, "Gr-um-p-y BU-TT!" Beca picked Chloe up as she yelped with disbelief. "What are you doing Beca?!" Beca smirked, "Nothin' darling." Then Chloe widened her eyes, "Bec, you better not. I swear...if you do it, I'm going to-"Beca set her on the bed and tickled her playfully. "HAHAHAHA!! STOP IT! BECAAA! I CAN'T BREATHE!" She then blew a raspberry to Chloe's neck causing her to have another fit of giggles.

      Beca stopped shortly. "Sorry Chlo. I was...kind of grumpy back there." Chloe cupped Beca's cheek and gave her a sweet peck, "No worries love." Beca picked up Chloe, bridal style, to their living room and set her on the couch. "Now...what can we eat?" Beca wondered out loud. Chloe smiled sheepishly, "I made you spaghetti tacos." "WHAT??! HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE THE BEST CHLO!!" Beca tackled Chloe playfully and made her have another fit of giggles.

   "You are amazing Chloe Beale." "And as you, Beca Mitchell." Then they kissed.

Hey guys! It's been a while (I know,) but here is a new chapter to satisfy all of you. What's up with this new thing or trend called Supreme anyways? Lol. I guess that's what I get for not staying in the U.S for long. If you have any questions PM me or comment down below as always. Until Next Time...Deviantart589.

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