The Cuddle Club or The Day Baby Mitchell Made His Arrival

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Era: Post- No Electricity and 6 years after the Super Secret Wedding (Chapter 7)

A/N 1: I am sending tons and tons and tons apologies for the delay in this. I had the first draft written a long time ago and even did a MAJOR edit last weekend when I realized I needed to make some changes and I totally rewrote the hospital scene. So please forgive me, I never meant to take this long, but as a bonus I increased the length as an effort to make it up to you guys.

Standing in the kitchen early Saturday morning, Chloe felt a swift kick to her stomach as she made coffee. Rubbing the spot she looked down, "I'm awake now little guy," She sleepily laughed feeling another, "Come on now, there's no need to be grouchy in the mornings like your other mom."

"I am not a grump," Pushing off the wall, Beca staggered half awake into the kitchen. She'd been quietly watching Chloe hum and sing to their baby for five minutes. She loved it, it was one of her favorite things, "Why didn't you wake me?"

"I'm just making coffee babe," Chloe happily replied moving towards the table, "I wanted you to sleep, it's only five."

Pulling out a chair Beca gestured for her wife to sit as she grabbed the cup and took a sip, "I appreciate that, but I'm here to help you, I want to help. Even if it means getting grapes from the fridge."

Chloe's face softened as she eased into the chair. Beca was just excited, they both were, in five days their little boy was due and that alone made her wife's attentiveness increase tenfold. Ok, maybe she needed help tying her shoes, but that was it, she could still do the laundry and make dinner. In fact, she was free to do whatever she wanted, within reason, she was even allowed to work until the end of the school year.

It was bittersweet leaving that afternoon because Chloe wouldn't officially go back to work until January. She was going to miss it, but thankfully her intern offered to stay on until she was able to return. Surprisingly, Beca was totally supportive about her idea of participating in the fall and Christmas music programs, even offering to tag along to all the afternoon rehearsals. According to Beca, there was never a bad time to start their son's musical career.

Taking her cup back, Chloe gave a quick kiss, "Good morning."

"Morning my love," Crouching down Beca lightly pressed her lips to Chloe's stomach. Running a hand along the shirt she smiled, "Hey little badass, don't listen to your mom, she can't make us morning people no matter how hard she tries. She's just jealous she's not part of the club."

Arching an eyebrow Chloe giggled, "Oh I am?"

"Totally," Giving a wink, Beca stood and headed towards the refrigerator.

"Fine," Intently watching the brunette stretch, Chloe scanned her wife's body as the t-shirt rose ever so slightly. She may be nine months pregnant, but Beca could still get her all hot and bothered. Damn, she needed to focus, "Than Baby Mitchell and I are in the cuddle club."

Playfully rolling her eyes Beca opened the refrigerator, "What do you want for breakfast wife?"

"Oh can you make me a spinach and cheese egg white omelet please," Setting the coffee aside Chloe heard her stomach rumble.

Beca x Chloe: A Collection of Cute and Humorous MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now