The time Payton Mitchell said his First Bad word and Beca missed it

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OR: The Puppy

Rating: T

Era: Post - No Electricity and Post Cuddle Club (Chapter 17)

Disclaimer: My fellow Aca-People unfortunately Pitch Perfect, its characters, idea or any references to the moves aren't mine. Everything else, including any and all mistakes mine!

A/N #1: I know I said this would be Beca's Hospital Trip #2, but needed some extra time with that one. So, I had been working on this chapter off and on for since April and I thought I finish it...I hope Payton Mitchell and all his cuteness makes up for not seeing Beca all hyped up on painkillers...



"What ya eating Payton," Beca asked entering the kitchen. Without saying a word he grinned and waved a slice of watermelon it at her before shoving it in his mouth. Crouching down next to his chair she kissed the side of his head, "Can I have a piece?"

Payton nodded picking one up and holding it out, "Here Mommy."

When Payton playfully forced the fruit in her mouth, Beca's heart melted when he softly giggled, god it sounded just like Chloe, "Geez Pay you almost missed."

"Sorry," He replied finally doubling over in laughter.

Sipping her coffee, Chloe silently watched the two, they were being too cute and too loud for six forty-five in the morning. Which was surprising, because Beca wasn't a morning person, but try telling that to the toy dinosaur currently in her wife's hand. It was smashing stray Cheerios and roaring, while Payton attempted to pick them up before they were turned to dust. She knows Beca will claim it was all an effort to make him laugh, but that was just an excuse used to justify playing with his toys.

"Beca quit playing with his food," Chloe lightly scolded causing them to jump, "He needs to eat and you're making a mess."

Dropping the dinosaur, Beca shyly smiled before making her way across the kitchen. Placing the palms of her hand on the counter, she bracketed Chloe in, "Good morning my love."

"Morning baby," Palming Beca's cheeks Chloe gave a kiss.

"Why's he up so early," Taking a sip of coffee Beca moved to the refrigerator.

Ducking her head behind the open door, Chloe spoke in a low tone, "He's excited, while you were in the shower he woke me up asking if it was time to pick up the puppy."

Closing the door Beca shifted to the counter to put a bagel in the toaster. Looking over her shoulder at Payton she smiled, "He's done a great job keeping it a secret, but he almost gave it away last night."

"I know," Chloe only told him two days ago and she was surprised he wasn't constantly talking about it. But she'd made a big deal about not telling Beca, "You did a great job changing the subject."

Smearing cream cheese on the bagel, Beca didn't even bother looking away, "He's only three and already way better than you at keeping secrets."

Glaring at her wife, Chloe's mouth hung open for a few seconds, "Hey, I've gotten a lot better..." Seeing that smirk she playfully rolled her eyes, "I can't believe I married you sometimes."

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