The Evolution of Chloe Beale's Feelings

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Era: Pre-Caught

Senior year...

It was Christmas break and Chloe was sitting in her favorite spot overlooking the ocean at her family home. It didn't matter the time of year or the type of weather, she always sat here. For winter in The Hamptons, it wasn't to cold, but nonetheless Chloe, as always, had the fire going. There was always something calming about listening to the small waves crash along the shore.

Katherine Beale stood on the deck observing her only daughter. She knew something was up the minute she picked Chloe up at the airport. She also knew it was only a matter of time before she'd find her daughter in what she termed Chloe's Thinking Spot. It was the whole reason her husband built the fire pit, if Chloe was going to sit outside at all times of the day and night, she might as well be comfortable with chairs and heat.

Most of the time Katherine could figure out what was going in Chloe's head by asking a few simple questions, but that approach gave zero results. There was only one logical explanation, boy problems.

Descending the stairs Katherine made her way towards the fire, "Hello sweetheart."

"Hey mom," Chloe smiled. Removing the extra blanket from the back of the chair Chloe tossed it to her mom.

The two sat in silence a few minutes staring at the flames. Chloe was unsure about something and she didn't know how to begin a conversation like this. She needed to talk to someone and at this point Aubrey was totally out of the question.

"I'm so glad your father put this fire thing out here," Katherine happily stated. Shifting her eyes she saw a slight smile on her daughter face. "Now if only he'd put that bar by the pool."

A light laugh sounded through the darkness and it was just the reaction Katherine was looking for.

"Maybe putting two ice chests next to our chairs this summer will work better than just bitching at him." Grinning the redhead glanced over to her mother who was wearing an amused expression.

Turning in her seat Katherine pointed at her daughter, "Fantastic idea, see I knew you were my daughter!"

"I am your clone and you still had doubts?" Chloe asked disbelievingly.

"Well..." Katherine flicked a strand of hair off her daughters shoulder laughing, "The whole red hair thing threw me off."

"You're just jealous."

Moving her chair closer Katherine let out a happy sigh, she loved how they could joke back and forth like this.

"Ok daughter of mine, tell me what's bothering you."

"It's nothing." Fidgeting around Chloe eventually brought her feet onto the chair. Resting her head on her knees she looked over at her mom.

Katherine wasn't buying it, using a calming tone she started, "I know you better than that, there's a reason you're out here. You know you can tell me anything?"

"I know..." The end of the blanket in Chloe's hand suddenly became very interesting. "I kind of have a crush on someone." She rushed out refusing to make eye contact. "But it's different this time."

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