Hospital Trip #1 or Beca Mitchell's Reaction to Pain Killers

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Era: The summer between the first and second snowstorm of No Electricity (pre-engagement)

The doorbell rang at ten o'clock Saturday morning and Chloe reluctantly got up from the kitchen table. She wasn't expecting anybody and Beca wasn't awake yet so she had no clue who it could be.

Opening the door she was greeted by two deliverymen with a huge box.

"Hi can I help you?" Chloe politely asked looking at both men.

"We have a delivery for," The guy looked down to his clipboard, "Rebeca Mitchell."

She didn't remember Beca mentioning ordering anything, so this was new. Beca usually didn't order anything that required a box that big, she was an electronics person and those boxes were small. The box at the bottom of the stairs definitely wasn't anything electronic.

"We didn't order anything."

The guy flipped through his papers impatiently, "We're early but it says this address."

He handed the clipboard and pen over for Chloe to verify. The paper didn't say where it was from or what was inside, it just had their address in Beca's messy handwriting.

Signing the paper Chloe stepped aside, letting the deliverymen in.

Chloe wandered back to the kitchen, picking up her coffee she returned to the living room and stopped in front of the box. The box was big and when she tried to move it with her foot it wouldn't budge. Wherever the box's final destination was, it was going it would take both of them to movie it.

What the hell did she buy, Chloe thought sipping her coffee. There weren't any identifying marks, it was plain box, and that made her excitement to open it ten times greater.

The redhead knew she shouldn't open it, but the temptation was there, it was always there, but she resisted because that would be snooping. Although her girlfriend never got upset, Beca had caught her numerous times looking for presents she shouldn't be looking for. The brunette would just shake her head mumbling how Chloe was, "Frustratingly cute."

Sitting down on the couch Chloe flipped the TV on. She'd just have to wait it out until Beca woke up before opening it.

Whatever it was Chloe hoped that tools weren't needed because Beca and tools didn't get along, no matter how hard she tried. On the other hand, if that was the case, Chloe knew she'd be in for an interesting afternoon.

She didn't have to wait long, thirty minutes later an exited brunette came bouncing down the stairs like a kid on Christmas.

"Yes," Beca exclaimed jumping the last three steps making her way over to the box. "It's arrived."

"What's arrived?" Chloe snickered as she set her coffee down, startling the brunette.

Turning around to face the redhead Beca pointed to the box looking offended, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Good morning to you too." Chloe shot back in a playful tone.

Beca dropped the annoyed façade instantly and smiled. Walking to the couch she gave her girlfriend a quick kiss.

"Beca what's in the box?" Chloe laughed as her eyes followed the brunette into the kitchen.

Emerging a minute later Beca flashed a pair of scissors.

Beca x Chloe: A Collection of Cute and Humorous MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now