Mr. Bananas

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 Or The Time Beca Mitchell Made a Payton Mitchell Baby Calendar to Surprise Chloe for National Cuddle Up Day

Rating: T

Era: Post - No Electricity and post The Cuddle Club (Chapter #17 )

Disclaimer #1: Listen up Aca-Bitches, Pitch Perfect, its characters, ideas or any references to the wordage or the moves ain't mine. Everything else, including any and all mistakes is mine!

A/N #1: So so so sorry about the delay in this, I didn't fall off the face of the planet I swear, although I did come close. But between end of the year shenanigans at work (aka a trip offshore that lasted two weeks), summer and Fallout 4  (I might of spent entirely too much time building a super shack, those of you who play know what I'm talking about), my life has been hectic. But I'm here to say I'm back jack! I hate being gone this long but crap happens and hopefully this will make up for the lost time.

Ok, I know that's a lot of excuses so the last thing I'll say is here's another long one for ya and I hope it doesn't ramble to much, if so you can blame Beca.. jk! Or the the beta for Overwatch as well.

Anyways on with the Payton Mitchell show!


"Bec," Chloe plopped down on the bed with a giggle and rolled on top of the mound of blankets in the middle. Hearing a muffled groan she sat up and pulled the duvet back to kiss a cheek, "Baby."

Beca opened one eye, "What wife..." Seeing that beautiful face she sleepily smiled and stretched, "If I pretend to be asleep will you kiss me again?"

"Oh so you were faking," Chloe teased as arms wrapped around her waist.

"Did you buy it," Beca inched closer burrowing her head into Chloe's lap.

Running her fingers through brunette hair Chloe lightly massaged the scalp, "If I say no, can I kiss you again?"

"You just want to kiss me," Beca voice trailed off eyes drifting shut at the soothing ministrations.

"I always want to kiss you..."

That was one hundred and ten percent true, Chloe kind of always has this overwhelming need to kiss Beca. It could be six-fifteen in the morning or in the middle of the grocery store, it didn't matter, Beca was just so kissable. Even after all this time the way Beca kisses her still feels like the first time.

Tracing Beca's lips with her index finger Chloe saw a smile fighting to stay hidden.

"What," Chloe asked lightly ghosting her fingertips over Beca's cheeks.

Beca x Chloe: A Collection of Cute and Humorous MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now