The Bellas Failed Attempt at Getting Beca and Chloe Together in College

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"I love playing the Spot the Toner," Fat Amy rambled off to Stacie and Cynthia Rose as they sat around a table near the student center

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"I love playing the Spot the Toner," Fat Amy rambled off to Stacie and Cynthia Rose as they sat around a table near the student center. They were hiding in plain sight, amongst hordes of students milling around.

At the beginning of the semester they'd figured out their favorite couple always ate lunch at the same time and same place every Monday and Wednesday. Things started off simple, casually watching the pair and commenting on the cute things they did, but then Stacie made it a game. She came up with a list of the top ten things couples do out in public, wrote them down, laminated some flashcards and passed them out. The rules were simple the first to mark off five items won.

Seeing the door to the radio station swing open all three reached for their cards, the infamous we're not dating couple just exited the building.

"Game on bitches..." Picking up her pen Cynthia Rose checked off an item, "Beca's holding the door for Chloe."

"Remember, bonus points if they do something couplely not on the cards," Stacie added intently watching Beca and her non-girlfriend stop at the crosswalk

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"Remember, bonus points if they do something couplely not on the cards," Stacie added intently watching Beca and her non-girlfriend stop at the crosswalk.

Stacie thought it was comical how totally oblivious their friends were to being watched, they were always in their own little world talking and laughing.

Marking off an item Fat Amy's face brightened, "Beat that, Chloe placed her hand on Beca's lower back to keep her from tripping. Then it stayed there until they crossed the street."

"So if they're not together why does Chloe constantly touch B?" Cynthia Rose curiously looked at her list, there wasn't an item for playfully bumping shoulders.

Moving her eyes back to her friends, Stacie shrugged, "It's Chloe's personality, everyone knows that."

"Yeah, but she doesn't hold our hands or drape her arms around any of us." Giving a knowing glare Cynthia Rose saw the others nod their heads, "Plus Beca doesn't flinch away anymore."

Cynthia Rose did have a point and Stacie knew there was way more then she'd ever let anyone know, she'd never betray her best friends trust, "All Beca says is she's done fighting it and that Chloe constantly needs physical contact."

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