Super Secret Wedding or How Chloe Beale Conned Beca Mitchell into Eloping

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Era: Post No Electricity

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Pitch Perfect or its characters, if I did Jeca wouldn't of happened. Everything else, including all the mistakes, is mine!


Chloe set aside her laptop as she watched the video game in progress on their living room TV. Getting no response from the girl in question she tried again but louder, still nothing. Picking up a pillow she aimed it at the brunette seated on the floor. Tossing it Frisbee style it collided with the back of her fiancés head, sending her off kilter.

"Jesus Beale," pausing the game Beca turned, giving an annoyed glare. "You told me I'd get one hour of uninterrupted game time!"

"And it's been almost two." Chloe stated factually. Adjusting her position she picked up the PS4 box, studying the game her fiancé was playing. "You're doing better with this Destiny game, you're not dying as much anymore."

"That's cause Jesse's not playing," Unpausing, Beca refocused on the TV and her task. "He sucks..."

Ever since making prank calls to Aubrey almost two years ago, Beca had been making more of an effort to reconnect with him. Chloe was quick to remind her that Jesse was the first friend she'd made at Barden. In the end she was glad they started talking again. He'd even come a few times with Aubrey when she visited.

Laughing at the comment Chloe watched the game. She'd been watching Beca play it for the past month, it consisted of a lot of cursing and throwing of controllers.

"What's the exact premise of this game again babe?"

"To explore ancient ruins of the solar system," Not taking her eyes off the screen the brunette stood up, really getting into the game, "Defeat earth's enemies, reclaim what we've lost," Her voice was steadily becoming louder. To emphasize her point she threw a fist in the air, "And become a legend!"

Chloe playfully reeled back into the cushions not expecting that, "Whoa...dedicated much?"

"It's a lifestyle really..."

Judging by the frantic pace Beca's fingers were moving and the aggravated look on her face, the end was nearing. Chloe could tell this wasn't going to end well, all she could do was wait for it. Seconds later the controller dropped and an angry foot kicked it across the floor, sending it crashing into the wall.

Sighing in frustration Beca looked up at the ceiling, "I think I'm going to need a new controller."

"How many does that make now?" Chloe hid her smile, acting concerned.


Beca knew it was actually four, but her fiancé didn't need to know what happened last weekend while she was at the gym. She wasn't even allowed to be playing because Chloe had banned her after the last incident.

Giggling Chloe dragged Beca down onto the couch next to her, "You get really angry playing that game. You don't even get angry when, on the rare occasions, we argue."

"That's because you're always right," Beca grinned.

"Good answer," Leaning over Chloe patted her fiancés face lightly. "I've trained you well."

Beca x Chloe: A Collection of Cute and Humorous MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now