Ice Skating Pt. 2

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Or Beca Mitchell and Chloe Beale Celebrated Their First Christmas Together Part 2

Rating: T with a big section of M

Era: Post - Caught about eight months after The First Date (Chapter's 15 & 16)

Disclaimer #1: Here ye, here ye let me proclaim this now for the entire fandom to see, Pitch Perfect, its characters, ideas or any references the moves isn't mine. Everything else, including any and all mistakes is!

A/N #1: This kind of goes without saying but reading Part 1 would definitely help, unless you want to just skip right to the smut. Go ahead I know that's what you guys came for anyway haha...Nah but in all seriousness I hope you like it and again sorry about the wait, but this early little Christmas gift took a little longer to edit!

So I won't bore you with anymore ramblings, I'll just let you get on with the show! It's another long one and basically just an excuse for me to throw in some shameless Bechloe smut...


"Ho-ho..." Beca was being pulled to the right making her feet slip from under her, " shit," she cried crashing to the ground.

"You trying to be bad Santa?" Chloe laughed hugging the side of the ice rink trying to remain upright.

They'd slowly been making their way around causally talking hand in hand when Chloe got a little bit over confident with her speed

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They'd slowly been making their way around causally talking hand in hand when Chloe got a little bit over confident with her speed. So Beca falling was entirely her fault, she'd leaned too much to the right while pushing off one time and as a consequence she'd unintentionally yanked Beca's arm. The next thing she knew her girlfriend was falling in a uniquely graceful, no cringing needed, type of way. It was comical and even though she's barely remaining upright, neither can stop laughing.

Checking herself for broken bones, Beca looked up and shot a playful glare, "I'm sure even Santa curses sometimes," dusting ice off her jacket off she added, "Besides I think you're out to tarnish my skating abilities."

"I'm sorry babe," Chloe apologized once Beca was standing.

"It's all good in the hood," Linking their fingers, Beca gave a quick kiss, "I still love you, but push me down again and you might get a different answer," for that she got a halfhearted shove.

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