Reasons Why it was All Beca Mitchell 's Fault Chloe Beale Failed Russian Lit

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Rating: Part T/ Part M

Era: Post - No Electricity one month before Not So Secret Wedding (Chapter 7)

Disclaimer: Guess what Pitch Perfect 1 & 2, any of its characters or ideas, still aren't mine, I know that sucks. What I do own is everything else, including any and all mistakes!

A/N #1: This is set up into "flashback" sequences to dreams Chloe had while she was sleeping. Besides the sexy times, there are still hints of things they did together in college. Also remember in dreams anything goes so its kind of Chloe's subconscious having a field day!

Anyways, here's another long one for ya...(By the way my is deviantart589 if you are into

Poking around her salad, Chloe looked up at Stacie, "Is it...weird to dream about someone?"

"That depends," Setting her sandwich aside, Stacie reached for her water and twisted off the cap, "On who it is and what you're doing."

"I see..."

At first, Chloe thought it would be weird talking about personal things with Stacie, after all she's Beca's best friend, but it wasn't. Its just with Aubrey in Boston, Skyping just wasn't the same as talking in person. She misses having her best friend around and that's probably why falling into old habits was so easy when Stacie temporarily moved in.

Pointing her fork, Chloe opened then closed her mouth, unsure of how to start this topic "Explain yourself?"

Crossing her legs, Stacie thought for a few seconds, "Ok, say you just watched Magic Mike and that night..."

"Stacie we watched that movie last night," Chloe cut in, "Don't you remember Beca bitching."

"She likes watching those guys dance just like the rest of us," Stacie winked, "Don't let her fool you."

"Truth," Chloe giggled. It's funny how fast Beca, I-only-have-eyes-for-Chloe, Mitchell shuts up and stares at the screen every time Channing Tatum dances to Genuine's Pony.

"Anyways," Stacie started placing her water aside, "Say in your dream, you and Mike are riding bikes, then he's reading you a bedtime story and then you're doing each other...In my book, that's ok."

"How the hell is that ok?" Pushing her salad aside Chloe stared at Stacie in disbelief.

"Look, what are the chances of you and Channing Tatum doing all those things," Picking up her sandwich Stacie took a bite, letting that question sink in, "That's why they're called dreams Chloe, so hot and sexy things like that can happen."

It was impressive how profound Stacie could be sometimes, but it wasn't what Chloe was looking for, "What if it's not someone famous?

"Well, if it's the eleventh grade math teacher, then maybe your needs aren't getting met at home."

"Trust me, it's not Mark from down the hall."

Stacie tapped her fingers on the table, Chloe was being evasive and dancing around the subject, something was up, "Who's this about?"

Chloe averted her eyes, why was this so hard, she never had a problem sharing anything with Stacie before, but maybe it's because she's never had dreams like this.

"Oh my god you had a sex dream about someone I know," Smacking her thighs, Stacie's face lit up when a light blush crept up Chloe's cheeks.

"Guilty," Chloe whispered shielding herself from witnessing Stacie's perverted grin, "One every night this week."

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