How Chloe Beale acquired a tacky sign for Beca or Missing you

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Day 1 - Monday

"I'll miss you," Chloe quietly stated riding the elevator in Beca's apartment building.

"Same," Giving Chloe's hand a squeeze Beca smiled, "It's five days I'll be back before you know it."

The redhead sloughed against the wall with a frown, "I know..."

"Hey none of this pouting business," Beca playfully interjected picking up her bags when the door opened. Tugging on her girlfriend's hand, she guided her out of the building. "I hate when you frown. This is a work trip, you know I have to go."

When Beca started her job she knew she and her boss would be visiting Sony Music's LA branch in July. The offices already had an up and running youth music program and they were going to see what final details were needed before her program officially started in New York City.

Flagging down a cab Chloe tried to smile, "But it's the first time since getting together we'll been separated."

They'd been dating over three months and Beca hated that Chloe couldn't tag along with her, she was even off work for the summer. They'd be busy with a packed schedule all week and that would make it hard to hangout. Their only time together would be at night and she hated for the redhead to be stuck in a hotel room, even if she said it was ok and she'd lounge by the pool or go sightseeing.

"Are you worried I'll want to stay LA?"

"A little, it's what you've wanted for so long," Chloe stated honestly.

Beca put on a reassuring smile and grabbed her girlfriend's hands, "You and my life are here. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

Chloe wrapped her arms around the brunette, "Good."

Closing the gap they kissed but were quickly broken apart by a blaring car horn.

Pulling back Beca laughed, "I would so love to continue this but homeboy here," She pointed at the cab, "Is waiting. Besides we just had a major session ten minutes ago."

"Excuses." Pushing her girlfriend towards the cab Chloe grinned. Beca was always leery about full on making out in public, hell they'd only done it twice, but the brunette was getting more comfortable about it.

"Whatever," Beca stated getting in the cab. Before she could even roll down the window the redhead was tapping on it.

Kissing Beca one final time Chloe smiled, "I love you..."

"I love you too."

"Make good choices," Chloe replied in singsong voice.

Beca shook her head in amusement, "That's my line and you stole it."

The redhead shrugged blowing kiss. She watched Beca grab it and put it in her pocket. The action melted her heart, "Saving that for later?"


"In that case, I left something special in your bag, check it later." Waving one final time Chloe backed away, "Bye."

"See ya."

Making it through security and to her gate Beca sat down in a chair and opened her carry on bag. Inside was a note and a bag of Hershey kisses.


When you need a kiss have one of these and think of me. I hope there's enough to last until you can have the real thing. See you soon!

I love you,

Beca x Chloe: A Collection of Cute and Humorous MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now