How Beca Mitchell ended up with Chloe Beale's Named Tattooed on her Arm.

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A/N #1: I mention the grill incident in this fic, if you want to know how Beca got to scar check out Chapter 3. Otherwise it's not needed for this fic. Enjoy

"This place is great," Fat Amy said following Chloe downstairs into the living room. She'd just finished getting the grand tour of her favorite couples house.

Due to flight delays Fat Amy was the last to arrive the weekend before Thanksgiving for a mini Bellas reunion. Besides the outrageous blonde, Aubrey, Stacie and Jessica were the only ones able to make it, the others had work commitments. Lily was the one nobody was sure about, they only got cryptic responses to calls or texts and her location was unknown.

"Thanks, we had a hard time finding something we both loved," Chloe replied plopping down on the couch next to Beca. Waving her hand around she smiled, "This is the result of two months of searching. I think the minute we stepped inside we knew we had to have it."

"You probably persuaded Beca into loving it," Checking her nails Stacie didn't even bother looking up after making that comment.

That was far from the truth, Beca didn't have any outside influence in her decision. She could only shake her head at the comment, "No bitch, we talked about it like grownups, we equally loved it."

"Well I'm just glad the master bedroom is on the third floor," Fat Amy interjected shifting her eyes deliberately between the two. "Now we won't hear you two getting it on this weekend."

Scoffing Aubrey crossed her arms, "You can't even make twenty minutes without interjecting a crude joke, can you?"

"I'm the only one who says what everyone is thinking," The Australian said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at Aubrey while pointing at Beca and Chloe. "Those two were all over each other in college."

"We were not," Beca defended.

"Speaking of which," Jessica jumped in humor lacing her voice, "Who won the bet?"

Every head flipped to the quietest person in the room. The one, who like always, was sitting back and taking everything in. Jessica had always had been the quietest one in the group, but when she spoke everyone listened. She was the one who incorporated little extras into their routine, making them sing and dance better. Plus if it wasn't for her the majority of the group would've had to redo their entire senior year after Fat Amy's infamous prank.

"What bet?" Beca surprisingly asked, she didn't remember any bets. "Why wasn't I in on this?"

Letting out an uneasy laugh Jessica came clean, "You didn't know because you guys," She pointed rapidly between the couple, "Were the bet... We wagered on when you two would finally hook up."

Looking around the room, Beca noticed how quiet it was and how Stacie and Fat Amy refused to look at each other. Glancing to her right Beca saw her girlfriend shrug with a questioning look, apparently she had no clue either.

Fat Amy let out an annoyed huff, "I missed out on ninety bucks, I was off by two weeks."

"Why not an even hundred," Beca asked skeptically, narrowing her eyes at her friends.

After shooting a glare at her ex-captain, Jessica focused her attention back on Beca, "Aubrey refused to play."

"Damn right I did!"

"Who won?" Chloe asked playfully. She always thought they'd been good at covering their feelings during college, this whole bet thing caught her by surprise.

"Stacie," Jessica and Fat Amy said flatly at the same time.

"That's totally not fair," Beca was annoyed and couldn't believe her love life was a bet that her best friend was in on. She only confided in the taller brunette when Stacie caught her and Chloe one afternoon in a totally innocent position. They were taking a nap on her bed between classes and somehow ended up wrapped up in each other. Since that day Stacie was the only person Beca ever admitted her true feelings to. "You knew everything. How could you bet on that?"

Beca x Chloe: A Collection of Cute and Humorous MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now