The Day Jessica Figured Out Beca and Chloe Were Married

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Era: Post - No Electricity (One month after Super Secret Wedding Chapter 7)

"Beca, stop eating those," Chloe scolded slipping into her shoes and entering the kitchen.

Jumping, Beca dropped the cookie and turned, "But they're freshly baked cookies and still warm."

"They're for Stacie."

Putting on an innocent expression Beca shoved her hands in her pockets, "So is the wine we're giving her, but that was too much of a hassle to open. Those," She motioned towards the table, "You left laying around."

"They weren't laying around and you know it," Approaching the table Chloe picked up the Tupperware container, "I knew I should've put them out of the reach of small children."

Picking up the half eaten cookie Beca popped it in her mouth, "Your loss."

"Babe, half these cookies are gone," It was so hard to be upset, it really was, but those were Stacie's favorite cookies and Chloe didn't have time to bake more.

"Wait," The word came out all jumbled as Beca questioned with a mouthful. Swallowing, she pointed at her wife, "You can't put this all on me, oh no. When I got home from work you were eating them too!"

Chloe quickly averted her eyes to the container, trying to change the subject, "I think it's going to snow tonight."

"You're evading the question," Beca replied incredulously.

"Am not..."

"Are too..."

Groaning the redhead dropped the container and picked up a cookie. Taking a bite she knew Beca was right, but it still left one major question, "Now what do we take to Stacie's house warming party?"

Three weeks ago Stacie moved into a new apartment, not far from them or her job. She was a kindergarten teacher at Chloe's school and had been crashing at their place since the end of September.

"There's a gourmet market a couple blocks away," It was the first thing that came to mind and a place Beca loved visiting, "They have loads of fancy cheeses and food."

"Are they open?"

"Strangely they're open 24/7," One night Beca was lacking an ingredient for dinner she was making and Barzini's, a place she'd walked by every day, had it. Even though it was late the place was open, "If you ever need rare olives at two in the morning, it's your place. They could probably put a gift basket or something together."

Nodding, Chloe liked that idea, "That'll work, they can pair things with the wine for us."

"There's a whole aisle dedicated to kitchen things that I don't know the name of or how to use, but it's awesome. Let's get her some stuff from there too," Beca was on a roll. She loved that place, she loved any type of supermarket really. Grocery shopping was one of her favorite things to do, "I can't wait to go."

Laughing at the tiny ball of energy Chloe needed to get serious, "No getting out of control, we need focus while we're in there. This is a quick trip."

"I'll be good I promise."

"I'm holding you accountable."

Grinning the brunette picked up a couple cookies, shoving one in her mouth she spoke between bites, "These cookies are fucking awesome by the way."

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