Space Invaders

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OR:  How Chloe Beale Beat Beca Mitchell At The Awesome Girlfriend Game With A Birthday Gift Fit For A Rock Star

Rating: T

Era: No Electricity, sometime between Hospital Trip #1 (Chapter 3) and the proposal.

Disclaimer: As usually I don't own anything Pitch Perfect, its characters, idea or any references to the moves yada yada yada. However everything else, including any and all mistakes are mine!

A/N #1: I'm back Pitches! Hopefully you guys didn't forget about me! I'm so sorry I took that little mini-hiatus, it lasted a bit longer than I ever expected! After my amazing vacation I came back to a ton of work and then on top of that I came down with a mild case of vertigo. Which if you've never had, sucks, but it's almost gone now and I'm feeling back to normal and most importantly I've been able to look at a laptop screen longer than twenty minutes without feeling sick and write. Because of that this chapter kind of took on a life of its own. I had it completely written before vacation and just never could get around to finish the edit while gone and then when I got home I didn't like where it was going so I rewrote major sections hoping to make it flow smoother and to my liking. This is just a cute little chapter where they try and out due each other in the awesome girlfriend department!

This was on a list of prompts that somehow got separated from my main list and I'm glad I found it again. The prompt came from Green Smoak back in Jan who asked for the following: Beca buys original Space Invaders game because it reminds her of her personal space invader. I've combined it into this chapter in a unique way and I hope you and everyone else enjoys it!

This is just a cute little chapter filled with fluffy goodness where they try and out due each other in the awesome girlfriend department and well Beca is being typical crazy antics Beca!


Being in a real relationship is one of Beca Mitchell's favorite things, especially since her girlfriend is Chloe Beale. Chloe's talented and smart, funny and loving, and it's all wrapped up in one perfectly beautiful person that it makes Beca question how she of all people got so damn lucky. Dating and living together has made her realize that doing all those cliché and tacky couples activities, no matter how sappy it makes her look, are worth the effort. At the end of the day the only thing that that matters is seeing her girlfriend happy and smiling.

Even Beca's crappy cooking skills make Chloe smile. Hell, just last week Chloe kissed her cheek and said the under seasoned, rubbery chicken she tried to make for dinner was delicious. Chloe's so much better in the kitchen than her and easily puts all her food to shame, but she wants to improve. At least that's what she's telling herself right now while standing in line at a twenty-four hour gourmet grocery store at midnight, on a Friday.

After aimlessly wandering around the store for what seemed like forever, Beca had everything on her list. As she stacked the items onto the conveyor belt she had to laugh, she couldn't even pronounce half them, but whatever, that garganelli pasta with padano cream sauce couldn't be that hard.

Standing on her tiptoes, Beca pointed behind the cashier, "Oh, could I get a reusable bag? My girlfriend will kill me if she sees a plastic one."

"No problem," The guy said reaching for one from the stack.

"Can you put everything in one bag please, I don't have to walk far," Beca politely asked watching her items slide across the scanner.

"Sure," Grabbing the onions he typed in the code then weighed them, "This looks like the ingredients for an, I'm sorry, meal," He joked.

Beca x Chloe: A Collection of Cute and Humorous MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now