How She Fell in Love with Beca Mitchell, Part 2

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Era: Pre-Caught

One Year Away From Braden...

"How long has she been home," Katherine asked her husband.

Glancing at his watch Matthew noted the time, "Five hours, she came in at the end of my lunch break."

Katherine sighed leaning against the kitchen counter, "Last month when she showed up, she assured me everything was ok."

"I'm just worried, she seems so depressed."

Katherine had been true to her word, she never mentioned any details of the talks she had with Chloe. Matthew knew how close his daughter was with Beca, he'd only asked a few questions about it to his wife, but they weren't to pry. She also knew he understood and accepted that his daughter was in love with the younger girl.

"She's not depressed," Moving to the refrigerator Katherine removed two bottles. Before heading outside she turned to her husband, giving a tight smile, "She's ok, trust me."

Dropping a bottle down in Chloe's lap, Katherine sat in her usual chair, "Looks like you could use a beer."

"More than ever," Chloe replied, twisting the top off.

Taking a sip Katherine contemplated her daughter, "I'm happy to see you, but what are you doing here in the middle of the week."

"The school year's over. Plus," Sitting up Chloe rolled the bottle cap in her fingers. "I'm thinking about Beca."

"Oh right," Katherine laughed. "My next question was going to be why a teacher was skipping school instead of a student."

Grinning Chloe tossed the cap into the fire, "Beca's moving here next month."

This information was new Katherine thought raising an eyebrow, "That's great news."

"I'm excited and so is she," For the first time since Chloe left Barden she truly was happy. Even though they talked almost everyday, not seeing the younger girl was killing her, "I've missed her like crazy this year."

"There sounds like a but in there somewhere."

"There always is with Beca Mitchell."

"But," Taking another sip Katherine adjusted to a more comfortable position. "You've never said anything to her."

Katherine had seen first hand how the two acted around each other at Chloe's graduation. They complemented each other perfectly, Beca's easygoing attitude blended and grounded her sometimes hyperactive daughter. She saw something with Beca those days too, something Chloe probably brushed off as an everyday occurrence. It was the way Beca looked at Chloe, especially when no one was watching. It started with lingering eyes or a soft smile, but the biggest give away was the brunette's look of pure adoration. In that instant Katherine knew Beca was in love with Chloe.

"No," Came Chloe's dejected reply, "I really tried when she was here."

"Beca was here?" The question was a semi honest one. A few weeks ago Beca called inquiring about Chloe's address and she willingly gave it. The call surprised her, she totally forgot they exchanged numbers one evening at Chloe's graduation.

Chloe nodded, "Yeah she surprised me."

Chloe was rummaging through her cabinets trying to decide on dinner when her cell phone rang.

Grinning she sprinted into the living room, "Well, well, well if it isn't badass Beca Mitchell."

"Damn, wrong number," Came the laughed reply from the brunette. "What's up Beale?"

Beca x Chloe: A Collection of Cute and Humorous MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now