Ice Skating

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Or: Beca Mitchell and Chloe Beale Celebrate Their First Christmas Together Part 1

Rating: T

Era: Post - Caught about eight months after The First Date (Chapter's 15 & 16)

Disclaimer #1: Here ye, here ye let me proclaim this now for the entire fandom to see, Pitch Perfect, its characters, ideas or any references the moves isn't mine. Everything else, including any and all mistakes is!

A/N #1: Well I know it's not Christmas, but I tentatively started this a week before with full intention of posting a short 2-3k word surprise "Christmas Gift" for you guys, but needless to say that didn't happen. So, I won't bore you guys with tales about why it's taken so long other than life and work. Anyways I'm back now and because of my tardiness I made this chapter extra special and extra long, so long in fact that I've broke it into two parts and yes the second part will in fact be M rated. The whole thing is complete and done now I just need to do a major edit on part 2 which hopefully will not leave you hanging very long. I know I always miss deadlines when I make them, but you guys won't have to wait months for the next chapter, I promise, I'm shooting for 2-3 weeks or less (fingers crossed), it just depends on my schedule!

Now on with the extra long show...


Contrary to popular belief Beca Mitchell doesn't hate Christmas. She just uses the Scrooge persona to get out of god awful activities like decorating, singing carols and the absolute bane of her existence, getting stuck under the mistletoe with someone who thinks shoving a tongue down her throat is the proper way to practice that tradition. That happened once when she was sixteen, she found the guy's sweaty palms traumatizing and she's not a hundred percent sure, but it also may have led her question if girls were her thing too. Regardless of her distaste for certain holiday activities, she still likes looking at Christmas lights, the cold weather and of course the food, especially cookies. She still loves them despite the amount of puke that came out of her after Fat Amy dared her senior year to take three Fireball Whiskey shots, eat twelve decorated dancing Santa sugar cookies and then chase it down with hard apple cider in fifteen minutes.

However, it's virtually impossible to stay uninvolved with all things Christmas when Beca's dating Chloe Beale. Chloe is the living embodiment of the Christmas spirit from November until at least the middle of January. And she found that out the hard way her sophomore year when she came back from Thanksgiving break to find her and Stacie's dorm room decked out in a thousand twinkle lights. It was a borderline fire hazard and it took a smack to the face with a candy cane shaped pillow for her to even realize that Stacie was talking over the Santa Claus Is Coming To Town songblaring through the set of speakers on her desk. All she could do was mumble out a pathetic, "That's not a thing," when Stacie casually mentioned, "Your girlfriend sends her Christmas love."

For months after that Beca questioned how she totally missed Chloe's Christmas obsession the year before and the only thing she came up with was that she'd been a sulky asshole. She'd refused to play secret Santa and attend the Bellas annual Christmas party, instead she spent the night making mixes and eating Cheetos. She was halfway through a bag when Chloe barged in wearing a red sweater with a reindeer face, holding two plates of food and a neatly decorated package.

Instead of making fun of her for not having the obligatory Christmas spirit, reprimanding her for missing an organized bonding activity or bragging about Beale family traditions, Chloe patiently listened and asked enthusiastic questions about what Beca's Christmases were usually like. Chloe was just nice and sweet and never passed any judgment on her and for the first time she felt like she met someone who wasn't fishing for information to use against her later. Chloe truly cared and Beca finally let her guard down more that night as they stayed up until three talking and laughing.

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