The First Date or The Art of Dating Chloe Beale, Beca Mitchell Style Part 2

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A/N 1: I am sending an infinite number of apologies for the delay in this. I had the first draft written over a week ago and all I needed was a final edit when I unexpectedly had to fly home, everyone is fine, thank goodness! Unfortunately in my haste to pack and make it to the airport in time I grabbed everything EXCEPT my laptop. I only had my kindle so no editing got done until last week...

If you haven't read part one, click the back button and read chapter 15...Anyways here's the second part of our fav couples first date! Enjoy!...PS I increased the length as an effort to make up for my absence. Deviantart589

Beca was right, the crowd was younger and wearing casual clothes, so they weren't underdressed at all for their night at the museum. The best part was with fewer people hanging around they'd be able to get a closer look at the paintings without bumping someone's shoulders. Then add in the live music and this was right up her alley, Beca definitely won some major girlfriend points with this date.

Securing a spot at on a couch under a large canopy, Chloe looked around. They'd picked this spot in the corner because it was out of the way of the bar and offered the best views of the city and Central Park. There were a few other couples scattered around talking softly, but otherwise it was relatively quiet.

As Chloe waited for Beca to return from the bathroom and bar, she shot her mother a text.

Chloe [7:28PM]: Hands down best first date ever!

Momma Beale [7:29PM]: So, I don't get to smack some sense into this one?

Chloe [7:29PM]: No, this one doesn't need your tough love.

Momma Beale [7:31PM]: I can't wait to hear everything, but you need to get back to your date!

Chloe [7:32PM]: But don't you want to hear why Beca is the best girlfriend?

Momma Beale [7:33PM]: I do, but until we can really talk give me something I can use against her later.

Even though Chloe wasn't face to face with her mom, she could still hear the excited tone. They had only met for a few days at her graduation, but she loved how much her mom and Beca got along. She couldn't wait to see them interact again, Beca was so in for it when she brought the brunette home for the first time.

Chloe [7:33PM]: She's taken cute to a whole new level. Here I'll send you some pictures.

Scrolling through her phone Chloe choose one of an unsuspecting Beca.

They were standing next to a lake in Central Park and she'd just taken a few pictures of the city when she turned and saw Beca crouching down and playing with a stick. Silently creeping forward she saw writing in the dirt, it was the date and their initials in a heart. Angling her phone Chloe took the shot so the writing and Beca could clearly be seen.

Looking at the picture Chloe's heart skipped a beat, if she hadn't turned around she would've never known the heart was there. That alone made the picture special, plus it would give her mom all the ammo she needed to fluster badass Beca Mitchell.

Attaching it and a second of her planting a kiss on Beca's cheek, who wore a playfully annoyed face, Chloe pressed send.

Momma Beale [7:36PM]: That's total blackmail material and that second one, priceless.

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