Things We Lost in the Fire

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Dear Diary,

I have a lot to catch you up on! Well for starters it's my senior year of high school and I'm legally an adult now... so that's weird. Also a lot has changed around the hospital. For starters, Bailey is the new chief!! I knew from the first day I met her that she would be perfect for the role. Also Derek is dead. I probably should have led with that but it still doesn't feel real. I keep expecting to see him in the hallway or in the OR. The crazy thing is that he got Meredith pregnant before he died; she named the baby Ellis. Anyway, I don't wanna bore you with everything that I've forgotten to tell you about so I'll just tell you about today.

So Bailey hired a new doctor, Nathan Riggs, and he and Hunt have some serious history. I have no idea what happened, he isn't even talking to Amelia about it, but everyone can tell that it must have been bad. Oooh also, Penny Blake, the doctor that worked on Derek when he died, is a resident at Grey Sloan now, and has been on Meredith's service since she arrived.

Anyway, today a ton of firefighters were brought in and the whole hospital acted as a burn unit. It was really busy and hectic so I had to stay out of the way. That meant that I was wandering around the hospital looking for normal cases and surgeries to observe, but to my disappointment there really weren't any. As I was walking, I saw Mer and Amelia in a huge fight and all I heard was Meredith scream at Amelia to get out of her house. Once Mer left the room Amelia saw me and said she didn't want to talk about it so I didn't push. I am worried about her though. I passed Joe's on my way home and saw her at the bar with a drink. I know she had a problem with drugs and alcohol so I really hope that she isn't slipping. Maybe that's why I felt like I needed to write again, because I'm worried. Whatever the reason, it feels good to get back to this. I'll do my best to write more soon, but for now I'm off the Connor's house.

                                                                                     - Mattie

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