Ice Ice Baby

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Dear Diary,

There was a crazy blizzard today, and we all got snowed in at the station. Of course we opened our doors to the public, so the station was full of people. We all had to split up and take on various random jobs around the station to make sure everything and everyone was okay. I was working with Vic to keep all the kids entertained. We set up a basketball net in the barn and I found some paper and crayons for the younger ones. As we were setting things up, Sullivan and Warren came in with some guy who accidentally cut off his foot with a chainsaw and then had the bright idea to staple it back on and secure it with duct tape. I wanted to help with the case so badly, but Sullivan said I needed to stay where Maya assigned me.

I grumbled and went back to the kids, organizing a game of duck, duck, goose. A little while later, I went upstairs to get water for the kids and saw that Dean was making chili. I paused a minute to take in the amazing smell and then JJ's water broke. Since there were only a few kids, Maya had me pass them off to Vic and help with JJ. We couldn't get her to the hospital because of the storm, so we were going to have to deliver at the station. I had never delivered a baby before, so I was actually really excited. And then I realized I was going to be working with both Andy and Maya.

It's honestly been torture being around both of them lately. It's hard enough handling them on their own without feeling caught in the middle, but when they're together it just makes everything worse. Anyway, we had to work together so I sucked it up and focused on getting JJ through labor. Maya suggested we call Carina and I told her that was actually a great idea. Andy asked who that was and Maya said that she was just her friend. I chimed in that she was my friend too, and a really great OB with a lot of nontraditional methods for pain management and stress relief. JJ seemed glad to hear that, but was still asking us to find a way to give her an epidural.

We started by getting JJ in a warm shower to try to relax everything and help her calm down. Andy went to find other things to manage her pain and Dean came in panicking. Then Pruitt came in to try to help, but all the people in the room were only making things worse. We sent the men out and just focused on getting JJ calm. Andy was googling different things that could help while Maya stood in the shower with JJ supporting her lower back. I sat there trying to remember all the things I'd seen Carina and Arizona do to help moms in labor and finally remembered the one time Carina had a mom masturbate to reduce her pain. I mentioned it to Maya, saying that I'd text Carina to ask, but Maya quickly said that she'd call her. I laughed and agreed, telling her to at least tell Carina I said hi. She nodded and headed out.

Once Maya left, Andy and I got JJ settled on a yoga ball (Andy read that it might help the labor progress). While Maya was out of the room, Andy turned and asked me how I was even managing to be friends with her right now. I admitted that it was a struggle sometimes, she can definitely be a lot at work. But she's been relatively normal with me at home so I've just been trying to hang on to that part. Andy shook her head, saying that she was just so mad, that everything Maya did lately was pissing her off. I understood. Andy was really upset that Maya took the captain job without even acknowledging the fact that it was promised to Andy after she earned it. I made it clear that I recognized that what Maya did was kinda shitty, and that she's definitely been difficult lately, but that they were two of my best friends and I couldn't take sides. Andy nodded, and said she understood, she just couldn't imagine how I was doing it.

Just then Maya came back and suggested that JJ masturbate to help with the pain. JJ was immediately on board and we gave her the room to do what she needed to do. Standing outside the bathroom, Maya tried to talk to Andy, saying that she was going to keep being her friend because Andy would've done the same thing if the roles were reversed. I was standing between them, and tried to sink as far back into the wall as I could, sensing the fight that was about to break out. Andy countered back saying that she wasn't mad she took the job, she was mad that Maya never addressed how shitty it was and basically called her a sociopath who was destroying the station. Then she stormed out and called back for me to come help her gather the supplies we needed for the actual delivery. I put a hand on Maya's arm as I walked past her; with tears in her eyes, she gave me a half smile and just shook her head. She knows I care, but there's also nothing I can do to make the situation any better.

As we gathered blankets, Andy apologized for storming out and said she just couldn't deal with Maya. She wished she would just leave her alone, instead of trying to justify what she did and pretend she was still her friend. When we got back, we set up the blankets, towels, and pillows and got JJ settled. As we waited for her labor to progress, Maya tried talking to Andy again, this time admitting that she did fight for the job and even said she had been a crappy friend but tried to remind Andy that she really cares about her. Then she compared herself to Pruitt, which was a strange comparison to start, but then mentioned the idea of him running out of time. Herrera looked at Andy and finally told her about his diagnosis. I don't think Maya even knew, it was just coincidental, but it led to a painful but necessary conversation.

I tried not to intervene or say anything about it, partially because we had a job to do, and partially because I was worried Andy would be mad if she found out I had been sitting on that information for weeks. Finally, JJ was ready to push and we all switched into focus mode and just worked to get the baby out safely. She delivered a beautiful, healthy, baby girl. We were all fawning over the perfect little girl when I looked up and saw Andy crying. She stepped into the locker room so I took my gloves off and followed her out. I tried to put a hand on her back but she pulled away so I just stood there with her for a minute. Dean went in to see his daughter and Vic stopped, looking over at Andy. She ran into her room when Sullivan walked in, and Pruitt came out to explain what was happening. Sullivan moved toward Andy's door and Vic tried to say that he should give her space, but he looked over at me and I nodded. He went in to be with her, which as much as she didn't want to admit it, she needed.

I went back in to make sure JJ and the baby were settled while we waited for the roads to open up enough that we could get them checked out at the hospital. I texted Carina to let her know that both mom and baby were doing well and to thank her for her help. She asked how Maya did, and I told her that she did great. It's really strange to see them so into each other, but honestly it's kinda cute.

Once the storm settled down and the roads were safe again, we got our amputated foot patient and JJ off to the hospital. Most of our other civilians left too which meant we could all finally get some sleep. It was a wild day, but I have to say they call childbirth the miracle of life for a reason. Even with everything going on, it was one of the most magical things I've ever seen.


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