Puttin on the Ritz

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Last night was the gala, that was something. I originally wasn't going to attend, but Connor wanted to. Oh! Did I forget to mention Connor? My bad.

Connor and I met toward the end of last school year. They had a few of the ap bio kids go over and teach a lesson to the freshman bio class. I was chosen from my class and Connor was chosen from his and we met while teaching the freshman about our favorite subject. We hit it off immediately, exchanged cell numbers that day and have been talking everyday since. He officially asked me out over the summer and we've been going out for about four months.

Anyway... I was telling him about the gala and before I could tell him I wasn't going to go he asked if it was a plus one. He wanted to go so I sucked it up and put on a dress to write my check.

Once we got there we said hello so a few people, got some sparkling cider and made our way over to the donation table already surrounded with people. Connor slipped a 20 into the box and I pulled out my checkbook and started writing out my donation.

I could feel Connor peering over my shoulder as I wrote the check glancing at the number I was writing. He practically spit the cider all over my back. "How do you have that much money?!" he exclaimed.

"Oh umm, I uh do..." I didn't know what to tell him. I never tell anyone about the large sum of money I have siting in the bank. "I'll explain later..." I told him quietly. I finished writing the 5 zeros after the 1, signed the check, and dropped it in the box.

I could tell that Connor was suddenly uncomfortable and quite frankly I was too. I suggested that we go back to my house, change into sweats, order a pizza and watch a movie. Connor agreed and we left the gala early.

Sitting on my couch we turned on Little Miss Sunshine, one of our favorite movies. I had just taken a bite of my pizza when Connor spoke up. "so... how much money do you have?" he asked.

"Uh..." I stammered, "20 million..." I continued to watch the film hoping he would drop the subject. He didn't.

"Why don't you...?" he trailed off, realizing how his question sounded.

I went off like dynamite. "Why don't I flaunt it around?! Why don't I have a giant house?! Why don't I have a closet full of designer clothes?! Why don't I use my money?! Because I don't want people to know! Because it's not mine. Well I mean it's in my name but I don't feel like it's mine. To me it's still my dads money. He saved his money all his life because he knew that a lavish life style wasn't going to make him happy, and he raised me to think the same. I have money but I'm just keeping it for him. I only spend it when I know he would've. I don't flaunt it around, I don't tell people I have it, I don't spend it because I don't want it!"

I turned back to the screen and sat silently trying to keep the tears I felt pricking at my eyes from falling down my cheeks. Eventually Connor pulled me into his arms. "I'm sorry" he whispered.

"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone off like that. You're my boyfriend you deserve to know." We stayed curled up in each others arms for the rest of the night.

- Mattie

Authors Note

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! School has been really crazy I just haven't had the time. I'll do my best to update as frequently as possible. Thanks for reading! Hope you guys like it!

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