Do a Little Harm

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Dear Diary,

As soon as we got to the station today Jack called everyone up to the beanery to say that it's Dean's birthday and we were gonna throw him a surprise party after shift. We all told him it was a bad idea, but the secret only lasted for like 2 minutes cause Vic knew. We didn't even get to talk about it because Ripley came in and mentioned Maya's application for lieutenant. Everyone was stunned and I played along so no one, especially Andy, would know that she had told me. She got really defensive about it so we just kinda let it go.

We spent the day training police officers in first aid/cpr so they can better help people. I went to talk to Ryan when he got to the station. It had been a while since we'd seen each other and I wanted to catch up. He's known me since I was nine so as much as Andy is like an older sister to me, Ryan is like a brother. We chatted about his dad, and med school, and Andy haha until Sullivan addressed everyone.

I was assigned to work with Andy and Vic and of course Ryan was assigned to our group. Things were sooo awkward between Andy and Ryan and I felt so stuck in the middle. I was tempted to switch over to work with Maya and Jack but somehow that looked even worse. They were competing to get this girl's number and it was both hilarious and painful to watch. I swear no one could keep their focus on actual CPR today. I tried to just hang back and talk to Vic. She kept talking about chief Ripley who weirdly enough was at the station today. When I finally got her to talk about that she filled me in on all the gossip with Travis and Grant. Apparently they "skipped the spice" and she's been trying to come up with ways for them to get it back haha. And right on que Grant showed up to pick something up from Travis.

I looked over to Gibson and Bishops group just in time to see them joking around about the heimlich and getting yelled at by Sullivan for it. The captain has been incredibly on edge all day and none of us know why. I'm not sure if it's because Ripley's here and he feels like he's being watched or because he's annoyed we're doing CPR training instead of fighting actual fires but whatever it is, it's been a nightmare for the rest of us.

Vic and Andy caught on to Maya and Jack's little competition and we started taking bets. I made a double or nothing bet that she would give her number to both. As much as I hate to perpetuate the idea that bisexual folks can't commit to one person, this particular girl looks like she probably can't haha. Everyone else chose a side, but Vic eventually accepted my bet.

Sullivan finally snapped and legitimately started yelling at Maya. Andy, ya know being Andy, got in the middle of it. She started yelling back at the captain, saying that it was just a drill and no harm was being done, and that Bishop hadn't done anything wrong. While Andy was completely right, and I honestly might have done the same thing, it was kind of insane.

Before we left at the end of the shift, Jack managed to get Dean up onto the roof where the rest of us were waiting. It was pretty funny hiding with everyone. We were determined to celebrate Miller's birthday even if he said he didn't want to. We gathered everyone together and got a cake to surprise him with. So that meant that all of us were crammed together with this big cake and trying desperately not to crush it. Plus it was really interesting to watch Ripley and Hughes. I swear she's into him, which is absurd cause, well ya know, he's the fucking fire chief. Also, I won the bet! The girl gave her number to both Maya and Jack. I happily collected my $100 and promised to buy the first round next time we all went to Joe's.

When we got home I did some studying and took a shower before getting ready for bed. When I got out of the shower, I couldn't find my phone. I looked in my room, in the kitchen, in the living room, everywhere. I swore I left it charging on my bedside table but it wasn't there. I asked Andy and she said she hadn't seen it so I went to ask Maya. I walked into her room and immediately found it... in her hands.

"What are you doing?" Mattie asked suspiciously.

"Making you a tinder," Maya responded like it was the most obvious and normal thing in the world.

Mattie shrieked, "You're what?!" She lunged at Maya trying to get her phone but Maya rolled off her bed and ran out into the living room. Mattie raced past Andy to catch up to Maya. Of course she couldn't actually catch up to the gold medal winner, but she could corner her. Maya was finally trapped in the corner and Mattie snatched her phone out of her hands. Andy, watching the whole thing, finally questioned the strange situation.

"Uh.. whatcha doin guys?"

"Maya broke into my phone," Mattie started to explain. She then turned to Maya, "still don't know how you got my password" then looking back to Andy, finished explaining, "and she started setting up a tinder."

"Yessssssss" Andy exclaimed as she grabbed Mattie's phone and plopped onto the couch with Maya to finish setting up her profile.

Reluctantly Mattie sat with them and approved some pictures. When it was time to select men, women, or both, Maya finally passed the phone back to Mattie. Andy reached over and clicked men; without thinking, Mattie switched it to men and women surprising Andy but making Maya proud.

Andy looked at me and then Maya and back to me, "Wait a minute am I missing something here?"

"Uhh.." Mattie stuttered. She knew it wouldn't be a thing in any way to come out to Andy, but she had barely come out to herself yet.

"You never told me you were into girls!" Andy exclaimed, nudging Mattie. "I could set you up with so many better people now! All the guys I know that would be age appropriate suck, or at least they're not good enough for you. But I know some girls you might actually like!"

Mattie smiled, relieved that she didn't have to say anything and that Andy knew.

The three of us had an interesting night haha but it was really nice to not have any more awkwardness. As much as they annoy me sometimes, I really am lucky to have Maya and Andy. And I'm actually kinda glad that Andy knows. She's like family; I never keep anything from her for very long. Now here's to hoping I don't have to come out to the whole squad yet. Cause once they know, Ben will tell Bailey and the whole hospital will know, and I feel like I should probably come out to my mom first.


Also to those of you actually reading this, (first of all, hey!) but also if there's anything you want to see or stuff you think would be fun lmk. I'm having fun writing this again and would love to keep it fun for anyone following along

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