You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side

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Dear Diary,

Callie and Arizona are fighting over Sofia. You see Callie wants to move to New York to follow Penny and she wants to take Sofia with her. Arizona on the other hand, doesn't want their daughter being dragged across the country. And, they're dragging everyone else into the mess. They're asking everyone to take the stand for them and I'm just hoping that they don't ask me.

Also, Ben is working as an anesthesiologist again and Bailey is super pissed about it. So now that I've told the basics of what's going on, I'm heading out to find someone to shadow....

Okay update: I saw April after her OB appointment and she was freaking out because there might be something wrong with the baby's brain. So needless to say, she's terrified and taking it out on Arizona. I honestly can't understand why no one around here can have a healthy baby!

Oooh, Kyle (the hot guitar player that Steph has been seeing) is back with another tremor and Amelia is taking him back into surgery today. Stephanie thought she would be able to go into the OR with him but Amelia shut that down and made her wait in the waiting room.

I forgot to pack my lunch today so I stopped by the cafeteria to grab something. I got a sandwich and sat down to eat with Alex, who told me that Arizona completely lost it on Pennya few minutes before and then told me that I should go check on her. I asked why he didn't and, being the total guy that he is, said that he was busy eating and that he's not good with the mushy stuff. Ugh. Anyway, I went out to look and found her sitting in her car. Webber had already talked to her though and told her she had to fight if she didn't want to lose Sofia. After telling me that she asked if I would take the stand for her. I said no, and immediately felt awful because she started to cry again. So feeling like a terrible friend, I tried to explain, "I'm sorry, but I can't take the stand for you, or for Callie. I will however take the stand for Sofia." "I thought you were on my side" she replied clearly confused and upset by my answer. "No. I'm not on your side, or Callie's side. I'll be here for anything you need, but I'm not on your side in this. I'm on Sofia's side. I'll babysit while you guys meet with your lawyers, I'll watch her while you're in court, and if you really want me to, I'll take the stand, but I'll be taking the stand for Sofia. Okay?" " Okay" she said. We sat in silence for a minute before we got out of the car. "You okay, Z?" I asked. "Yeah, I think so" "Are we okay?" I asked cautiously. "Yes. Of course," she sighed "thanks, for being on Sofia's side."

So after that emotion fest of a day, I'm ready for bed. I'll tell you more about my adventures tomorrow.

            - Mattie

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