Death and All His Friends

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Dear diary,

I can still remember it like it all happened yesterday. The most terrifying day of my life. It started out like any other, I rode my skateboard to the hospital, went on rounds, walked to school. That day my mom called to tell me she would pick me up at the end of the school day. I didn't know why she was picking me up since the only time she ever picked me up was when my dad died. Needless to say I started to panic.

My mom told me what was happening as we drove home. Mr. Clark, a man I had met a few days prior, went into the hospital. He took his gun with him and decided that he was going to make everyone there pay for the fact that his wife died. A lot of people had already been shot and the police were still trying to capture him.

I told my mom to take me to the hospital but she refused, saying that it was far too dangerous. I didn't care. When we got home my mom went to start dinner and I bolted out the door. I sprinted the whole way to the hospital. It wasn't until I got there that I realized I had tears streaking my face. Seeing the police and swat teams and ambulances only caused me to panic further. I didn't know where my friends were or if they were even alive.

I saw Teddy standing outside not far from one of the ambulances. I ran towards her dodging police officers and paramedics. I fell into her arms and hugged her with all the strength I had in me. She told what was happening and what she knew. But she didn't know much.

So many people where still in the hospital it was hard to tell how many people were hurt or even dead. I kept racking my brain for a reason any reason for how this happened but I couldn't think. I couldn't think about anything. All I knew was that my friends were in danger and I was scared.

Diary of a Girl from SeattleWhere stories live. Discover now