House Where Nobody Lives

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Dear Diary,

Today was Maya's first day as captain. When I woke up, I was really glad that I had a shift, but honestly... it might have been better not to. She was pretty normal this morning, we ran and then she made some weird smoothie. She tried to give one to Andy, but she just completely ignored her, and asked if I was ready to leave for work.

Things only went downhill when we got to the station. Maya was meeting with Sullivan and Chief Dixon (gross), and the rest of us were watching as we stocked and cleaned the trucks. We were all mocking a little bit, but then Vasquez chimed in and I shut him down.

"I'm just gonna say it. That chick was lieutenant for like 5 minutes." Vasquez piped up.

Mattie shook her head as the others started to defend Maya, "Vasquez just shut up." she finally said.

He turned to look at her and clearly annoyed asked, "What? So they can talk about her but I can't?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Mattie shot back. "They all love Maya. We're a family, we love her, even in moments that we don't particularly like her. You're not there yet so you don't get to talk about her."

Vic agreed, "Yeah it's Maya. We love Maya."

Then Trav chimed in asking, "But do we love Captain Maya?"

We finished getting everything ready, trying to figure out what to anticipate from our new Captain Bishop. She called us to the barn for line up and said that she was sending the aid car out to patrol our area, as a public health initiative. I started to walk over to the rig, but she stopped me, saying that she was sending Ben and Jack. She wanted me at the station. Normally I'd rather have the chance to go on real calls than just patrol the area but I really wish I could have gotten out of the station today.

Maya made us do a group work out and let me say it was so much worse than when I go running with her. I legitimately thought I might die haha. It was so intense that I didn't even notice that Dean wasn't there. He showed up just after we had all cooled down and showered and of course because he was late, Maya decided we all had to do it again. I got lucky that we had a walk-in just then and Maya sent me out to handle it. I really didn't want to do that whole work out again (it lasted an hour and a half) and was glad to have the excuse not to. Andy, on the other hand, just flat out refused. Maya asserted that she was the captain and Andy needed to follow orders, but it was clear that she didn't give a shit when she just walked out.

Our walk in was a teenager who fell off her skateboard a block away and wanted to get checked out here instead of going to the hospital. She had a pretty nasty cut, but it wasn't quite deep enough to need stitches. I put a butterfly bandage on it and gave her an ice pack for the swelling and sent her on her way. Although, to be fair, I worked as slowly as I could to avoid the torture Maya was dishing out. Once our walk-in left, I hid out at reception, hoping to avoid the rest of the workout.

Andy came to sit with me at the desk and was fuming. Sullivan had tried to talk to her and explain that she needed to "process her grief" before moving up to captain. She was so pissed and couldn't believe he was trying to tell her how she should be dealing with her grief. I let her vent for a while before Maya called everyone back to the barn to work on dexterity with the Jaws of Life. I didn't have to participate, but Maya said I had to stay with the team... whatever. I stood over near Andy and couldn't help myself from laughing when she and Vasquez started speaking in Spanish, saying they were gonna egg her car. Not long after, we got called out and I was sooooo glad to hear that it was a medical call so I could get out of the station.

When we got back, I was helping Andy clean the ladder truck when Maya came up and started talking to Andy about needing to be part of the team. Just as they were getting into it, Sullivan stepped out and told all of us that Maya was captain, which meant her word was final. As that was all going down, a woman pushing a pram came in and collapsed. She didn't have a pulse so everyone jumped to resuscitate and get her to the hospital. I started to help too but heard the baby cry, so I jumped up and took her inside. I saw at reception so I could watch what was happening in the barn and bounced the little one in my lap until she stopped crying. Eventually, someone said that Dean should take the baby to practice so I passed her over.

Oh yeah! Did I mention that JJ (that girl Dean dated last year) is pregnant?! Yep, Miller is going to be a dad in just a matter of weeks. It's insane. Anyway, I sat back at the desk after passing over the baby and could hear Maya and Andy fighting again. They've fought before, but this time is just... different. I've never seen Andy so angry in my life and I have no idea what to do to make the situation any better. Going home tomorrow morning should be interesting... I'm honestly not looking forward to it. At this point I'm just hoping I can keep my head down and not get dragged into the middle of everything.

In an effort to avoid everyone, I stayed at the desk studying for most of the night. Because I was there, I could hear Sullivan reprimanding Maya, saying that she destroyed the moral of the station more than he thought possible. As tough as his words were, they were also right. Everyone is on edge, and exhausted, and no one wants to be there. I really do think Maya can be a good captain eventually, she just needs to learn how to chill out a little... or a lot.

Andy didn't come home with me and Maya after shift and we weren't really sure where she was. I was pretty tired so I just headed to my room to relax. Plus, as much as I didn't want to be mad at Maya, I was still a little annoyed about how insane she was during the shift. I texted Andy to see where she was and she said she was with Jack. A few minutes later, she called me to say that she and Jack were going to look for an apartment together. She wanted to tell me so I wouldn't be blindsided. I'm hoping she tells Maya too, but at this point, I'm not hopeful. Oh well, school starts up again in a few days, so at least I'll have that to distract me.


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