Last Day on Earth

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Dear Diary,

My morning was spent busting my ass at school, even though I got to end early. We didn't have our intro to clinical lecture today because we have a huge exam coming up later this week and our prof wanted to give us all the time we could to study. So after class, instead of getting lunch with Grace, Enzo, and Jamie, I headed to the station to work the desk and study. I dropped off my stuff in the turnout room and found Andy freaking out about getting in trouble with Sullivan, since, ya know she yelled at him in front of the whole station and an entire police precinct. Anyway, Maya was trying to be encouraging but was failing miserably. They landed on just hoping that they would get a lot of calls on the aid car so he wouldn't have time to yell at her, as I walked over. On our way out for line up I grabbed her arm and told her it was going to be okay. Even Ripley knew he was out of line, so if he does say anything to her it won't be that bad. She smiled and nodded as we both made our way out to the engine floor.

Sullivan wanted everyone to be cleaning when they weren't on calls but said that I could have desk duty between calls so that I could study. I was actually kinda surprised that he was being so considerate but I really appreciated it. I still hadn't technically started my shift so I didn't go on the first aid car call with Maya and Andy. It ended up being insane and I'm so mad that I missed it. They came back covered in soot, and said that there was a kid hiding and then an explosion and open flames; ugh what I wouldn't give to go back and jump on that call.

Just as they got back, Ryan's dad came into the station. He was pretty banged up so Andy and I took him upstairs to check him out after she called Ryan to tell him she found his dad. I also texted him just to let him know that he was pretty banged up and that we were trying to get him to go to the hospital. He texted back to say that he was supposed to meet his dad earlier in the morning but he never showed. At least this starts to explain why. I went back to the desk so I could keep an eye on the situation and be there when Ryan arrived. I walked him up to where his dad was and wished him luck before he went in.

Before long, the aid car got called again so Andy, Maya, and I ran out. We couldn't find the victim, so we had dispatch put us through to him and ended up finding him down a steep ravine. Maya and Andy harnessed up and rappelled down while I stayed back in case we needed backup and to make sure they were able to get back up with the patient. Maya yelled up to me that we needed to call for a medivac. I tried to get a hold of dispatch but we had lost all connection. Maya climbed back up to see if she could get service but couldn't. We knew we had to get him out quickly and were trying to figure out a solution when we both looked at the car parked on top of the trail and then back at each other. We hooked up a tow line from the car and Maya brought it down to the patient. They were able to get him onto a rescue gurney and signaled for me to start bringing him up. Back in the aid car I could hear Maya and Andy talking about how badass they were and I couldn't help but laugh. It's true don't get me wrong, but it's amusing to listen to them sometimes.

Once we got back, we saw that Mr. Tanner was still sitting in the station. Andy started yelling at him, about how he broke Ryan's trust and really messed him up. Of course Ryan was standing right behind her. Before she could explain herself or either of us could talk to him, we got called out again. When we got back, we found Mr. Tanner collapsed on the ground. We did a quick work up, and realized he must have suffered a cardiac contusion, and we needed to get his rhythm back to normal. We got him stabilized and took him to the hospital; luckily he's going to be just fine.

Later on, Andy, Maya, and I were laying on the hoses on top of the engine. Andy was saying that she feels like she really messed up with Ryan today. Maya tried to comfort her saying that she saved his dad's life so they should be fine. Andy looked over at me for a second opinion. I told her the truth, that I thought he might be mad for a day or two, but it's Ryan, he'll get over it pretty quickly. Then we realized that Andy still had to talk to Sullivan. Just before Sullivan called her into his office, Vic joined us. When Andy left, I slid over to her spot on the hoses and rolled over to listen to Vic talk about how weird Sullivan had been earlier in the day and that he apparently loved to make smoothies hahaha. Would not have guessed that as his fun fact, but hey, to each their own.

Eventually we climbed down and packed up to go home. Before we left I went to find Ben. I hadn't been able to get him alone all day but wanted to check in with him. Word travels fast around the hospital so I knew that he and Miranda had temporarily separated and I knew it couldn't be easy for him. I found him sitting alone in the beanery and sat down to join him.

Ben looked up at Mattie, "You heard didn't you?" he questioned.

Mattie nodded, "It's impossible to keep anything a secret at Grey Sloan."

"For what it's worth" Mattie continued, "I'm really sorry to hear that you guys are going through this. I know it can't be easy. And I'm here if you need anything."

Ben nodded and gave her a slight smile, so Mattie stood up and patted his shoulder on her way out.

Back at home, I was trying to study when Maya kept bugging me about tinder, asking if I had any cute matches, and trying to swipe for me. Eventually I gave up and relinquished my phone so I could actually get back to my books. By the time I went to bed, I had 23 new matches all thanks to Maya haha. I guess I'll have to see what happens with all that tomorrow.


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