All of Me

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Dear Diary,

Today Alex Karev got married. Let me say that again... Alex Karev got married! When I met him almost 10 years ago I never thought that he would get married, let alone get married to someone as wonderful as Jo. And I never thought he would be the kind of thoughtful wonderful partner that he is.

Anyway, I was at Meredith's house early that morning to help get Alex ready. Arizona was there too, so we split up the work while Alex sat and ate cereal haha. As Arizona was ready to leave, Jo burst through the door. Everyone yelled at her that she and Alex weren't supposed to see each other but neither of them cared. Jo needed to tell him that she was offered a fellowship at Mass Gen. It is really exciting news, but she was getting married in a few hours so Arizona and I grabbed her and took her with us so I could make sure she finished getting ready in time for the wedding.

By the time we got to the venue, April had everything looking perfect. There were yellow flowers everywhere, beautiful greenery, tables with perfect white linens, and no people. That's right, apparently everyone went to the wrong address and ended up at a different wedding! April was freaking out about it but there really wasn't anything we could do but wait, so I went to make sure Jo was okay while she got ready. She asked me to get her some water and when I came back she was gone. I went to look for her, and of course she was in Alex's room. Arizona and I gave them some space and before everyone else arrived, we got a drink and just relaxed. It gave us a chance to talk before she left. You see Arizona left for New York right after the wedding.

She wouldn't let me say goodbye, or thank you, or anything. For days she avoided any talk that sounded like goodbye or reminded either of us that she was leaving. At a certain point I told her I didn't care anymore and was gonna say everything I needed to before she left. I told her how grateful I am to know her, how much she's inspired me over the years, how much I've valued her friendship and mentorship, that she's a big part of the reason I want to go into peds. I thanked her for always being there for me, and for teaching me so much about what it means to be a doctor and a person. Finally she yelled at me to stop because her make up was running and we both laughed. I'm really going to miss her.

Eventually April came up to us to ask where Jo and Alex were. We assumed they were in their dressing rooms but it turns out they both disappeared. We weren't sure if they just ran, or were off doing something; all we knew was that we had to find them and figure out what in the world was going on. I did a sweep of the whole venue and couldn't find them so I just went back to wait. Arizona was trying to keep April from totally freaking out so I went to sit with the interns... and Carina. Helm was going on and on about how beautiful and perfect Meredith is and it was so funny to watch. Carina and I just kept glancing at each other and rolling our eyes, knowing full well that nothing would ever come of it. Then they passed Andrew the mic to make a toast and we both stopped dead in our tracks. She was about to go grab the mic from him when Meredith did it for her.

Thank god she did because while she and Deluca were walking they found Jo and Alex. Of course they got themselves stuck in a shed... with a corpse... on their wedding day haha. Anyway, before they got back the wedding planner went into anaphylaxis and everyone was working to get her an airway while we waited for the ambulance. Since everything was a disaster, they just decided to scrap it and head home. I gave Arizona one last huge hug before I left and told her that she had to check out all my favorite places in New York and tell me what she thinks.

On the ferry ride back to Seattle Maggie had the crazy idea to have Meredith get ordained and marry Jo and Alex. We all gathered on the deck of the ferry and watched as Alex and Jo said their vows. At the same time I got a text from Arizona telling me that April and Matthew stayed back and got married too. I'm so happy for all of them and can't wait to see what the world holds for their new marriages. Through all the chaos and mayhem, today ended up being pretty magical.


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